Monday, October 27, 2008

Madly Monday

[Lily...the little Halloween Cat]

A cold and windy Monday here in Corntown. The farmers are fighting to get the corn and beans in before it freezes (tonight-estimated temp22). Hubby went off to a job and me and the furbabies all stayed home. Spent the bigger part of the day inside, either on the computer or huddled under the big flannel comforter reading. Made a spaghetti with putanesca sauce for supper with garlic bread and a lovely coconut cake for dessert. Hubby is out to his food class and should be home any minute. I was getting up to make popcorn, and remembered that I needed to make birthday cards for his dad and brother. Then one for a 37th AA anniversary for a friend. Then thought I might as post and just turn the computer off for the I am.

Grateful to be snug and warm in this 38 degrees tonight. Grateful to have a full tummy. Watched a documentary about the ANC and the underground and apartheid called "Memories of Rain". Grateful to live in this time on this planet.

Grateful my husband had work today and probably the next 2 weeks.

Feeling blessed to have popcorn to pop and butter to dress it with, along with sea salt and brewer's yeast. Yum.

Blessed that my food co-op carries rooibos tea.

And that brings me to goodnight....


  1. Sounds like a wonderful way to end the day!

  2. You're post always make me hungry! I love hearing about everything you cook. I think it's awesome that you make cards for people celebrating birthday's. What a wonderful gift!
