Thursday, September 11, 2008

Anyone Thursday????

Bada boom....

Home from the women's meeting tonight to find my little Terrorist has been hit by ...maybe a 4 wheeler or a motorcycle?? She has abrasions on both back legs and can barely stand. We have no emergency vets in the area, so first thing tomorrow she will go to our vet. Bless her heart, she hobbled in here and is sleeoping next to my chair. She's whimpering, but doesn't seem to be in acute distress....I pray that she's not badly hurt...(She did manage to eat 2 cookies in her misery...) But she's definitely hurting.

Lots of blessings to be grateful for today... wonderful women at the group tonight, friends and sponsees. 2 newcomers as well...they're always fun. The opportunity to do a little service and discuss the 9th Tradition, all in one night. Blackberry cobbler, with frozen blackberries from 2006. A little girl who whispered in my ear "I love you, Ah-nie..." when I dropped her and her mom at home tonight. My Rose of Sharon bushes that are all planted in a huge clump, 4 or 5 different colors, all blooming like crazy. Finding a new (to me) author that is getting me all excited to read the rest of the things he's written. Watching the blue tailed lizards that climb around on the rock wall out front in the sun.

There is a new Buddhist meditation group starting up and I got the email tonight about the time and place. It's a combo meditation/yoga practice. Hubby and I will both go to this. Really looking forward to it next Wednesday. Will report on how it goes!

Sober life in general is so much more than I expected, and I am still amazed all these years later. I used to hear people talk about how, if they'd gotten everything they expected from sobriety, they would have been seriously short changed. I feel that way too.

Blessed to be alive and sober on planet Earth. It's ALL good.

1 comment:

  1. When I'm in pain, I manage to eat two chocolate chip cookies--and that makes it 'all better'.

    "if they'd gotten everything they expected from sobriety, they would have been seriously short changed. I feel that way too."

    All I expected was a couple cholate chip cookies. And I got 'em! (And much, much more, my cup runneth OVER!)
