Friday, September 12, 2008

Frustrating Friday

Long long day. My back is no better so I had to call the doc for some muscle relaxers. In pain and napping alternately throughout the afternoon. The JRT is feeling lousy and sleeping alot, courtesy of the depo-medrol shot from the vet this morning. I wish I could make her better, it's so hard to watch. She's not eating or drinking much, and can't put her weight on her back feet. But she's gone outside on her own a couple of times, that's a good sign.

I'm getting ready to go to bed, but wanted to stop in and remind myself that there are blessings everywhere....even on days like this.

Blessed to be sober. Blessed to have access to medical care for both me and the animals. Blessed to be loved.

So be loved and to love.

Good night, all...


  1. Annie, you wrote: "So be loved and to love."

    An old song (Nat King Cole, about 1958-1962) named NATURE BOY concerns the whole-world wanderings of a boy looking for (anything) something like the 'meaning of life'. The last line of the lyric is:

    "The only thing
    He ever learned.
    Was just to love
    And be loved--in re-turn!"

    It's really beautiful--old style, though.

