Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Wednesday on a whim

One of those blissed out, mellow, comfortable like old jeans...kind of a day. Did a little house blessing, then a little yard blessing. Swept the front porch and sidewalk, to keep all that cut grass form being tracked through the house. Played with the dogs and served the cats. All in all it's been a very low key day...

Except for the exciting part where the local grocer had chicken breasts on sale 10 pounds for 10 dollars. Naturally, the harmonic convergence makes this happen just when my freezer stock is diminshed. I am in constant awe of things like harmonic convergences and solar flares and 2 for 1 sales. It wasn't boneless skinless chicken, mind you, but it was all natural no antibiotic chicken, all the same. We have been talking about going vegetarian, but it keeps not happening. I finally told himself this morning that I just couldn't do it. It's too hard, I whined. For the past 6 months or so, I have been cooking a vegetarian meal every other day. And we're not eating hardly any red meat. Mostly chicken and fish. I'll continue doing it like that. But not strict vegetarian...not right now. Just can't do it.

I have followed vegetarianism off and on thru my life. The first time I was 19, and stayed with it for over 12 years. The next time I stayed with it about 6 years. So it's an off again on again thing with me. I love to cook, and being creative isn't really that tough. Maybe I'll be ready soon. Not sure why I'm being such a crybaby about it. Thing is, he doesn't really care, I don't think, even though it was his idea in the first place.

Ah, life....

And for today, my blessings come in the form of this marvelous passage from the Big Book, one of my favorites:

"Perhaps the best thing of all for me is to remember that my serenity is inversely proportional to my expectations. .......I have to discard my "rights", as well as my expectations, by asking myself 'How important is it, really. How important is it compared to my serenity, my emotional sobriety? ' And when I place more value on my serenity and sobriety than on anything else, I can maintain them at a higher level-at least for the time being."

So blessed to have a new pair of glasses, and more solutions to life on life's terms than I have ever had in my life.

Remembering the hand made paper placard on my fridge that says: YOU ARE A CHILD OF GOD--SO ACT LIKE IT.

And so it goes...


  1. Hi, thanks for your comment. Hope is my middle name where my son is concerned:)I would love to hear what the turning point was for your son if you care to share.
    I read your blog. Sounds like you are using the tools to get through your present situation.

  2. Scott W said...
    I am glad you found your way over to my place. You got three comments from the anti-christ from down under,…

    Dear Scott W,

    Please enter HELL!!


  3. Never thought of them in those words, but I get at least two or three 'harmonic convergences' almost every day! Some days more, but I'm really aware of, like WOW!, something 'special' like a God-Shot happening at a given moment.

    Sometimes another will 'feel' it also, and we will both know. Other occasions I've noticed (rarely) a whole room full of people become participants--or so it seems to me.
