Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Springing into summer

 Looks like "spring " is going to be a short lived springboard into summer. My cousin (who lives in Wichita)  said that they had 102 yesterday. It was only in high 80's here, even hotter tomorrow. Then maybe rain. Yikes. But at least there's no snow. 

 Been the same old routine around here with chiropractors and physical therapy and stuff. Only twice a week now and moving the chiro down to only once starting next week I think. Yay.  I need to be home a little more. Today is my volunteer day down at the AA office, and before that I am going to pick up someone who's just out of detox and waiting to get into a rehab ad go to the noon meeting. I've arranged for another of the women I work with who is kinda new to meet us there and she will take her home and I will go the other direction to the office.  That means that most of this day will be shot, lol. My floors are in dire need of vacuuming, the blueberries need weeding and fertilizing and the garden needs working. Oh well.  I'd say there's always tomorrow, but tomorrow I am meeting up with a woman I grew up with for lunch. We were pregnant together and both had boys. I haven't seen her in about 37 years or more.  Can't wait for that ! It will still keep me not getting much done around here. Oh well. There's always Thursday.  lol

 It's absolutely gorgeous outside this morning. My yard finally got mowed, mostly by the Irishman and partly by me.  (Yes, that was a mistake). I could barely move afterwards, because of course, the riding mower wasn't working so I used the regular mower. I soaked in a tub of Epsom salts and baking soda that night. That helped some. That was  Sunday, since Saturday we were gone most of the day. Speaking of Saturday, we went down to Cahokia Mounds to hear a Choctaw storyteller by the name of Tim Tingle from Oklahoma. He was there as a part of the 35th annual storytellers gathering hosted by the University of Missouri at St Louis.  The Irishman stayed afterwards and hiked a bit and then went across the river to UMSL for the evening's grand finale. I came home and took care of critters, had dinner and watched a movie.  Sunday morning we were up early and off to a meeting to see a young woman get her 1 year anniversary coin and then we had Chinese lunch and came home.  It was Sunday that we got a little yard work done finally.  Sigh...there's just so much to do...lol

  Last evening after supper, we sat out on the front porch in the rocking chairs soaking in the beautiful weather. At least 2 Ruby Throated Hummingbirds were curious enough to come buzzing around, with the usual display of Cardinals and Titmouse, Junko and Wrens. The sparrows are building nests in a couple of the bird houses. Sunday I got the wisteria all chopped and the Rose of Sharon trimmed (I waited too late to really prune them--they were budding out leaves like crazy). So the yard is looking really nice for a minute. I love spring with all the different shades of greens...

  We do seem to be having an explosion of ticks already this year.  YUCK.  You'd think that a harsh winter like we just had would help to control the populations of some of these bugs, but those and the big carpenter bees are EVERYWHERE.

  Okay--a few things to do before I have to vacate the premises here. One of them is get dressed. lol The dogs and the chickens need their water bowls refilled.  I have to pack some food to take with me for my snack and lunch while I'm out all day. (Yes, I started back on the Fast metabolism Diet yesterday. Finally.)  Trying to get back in the habit of eating every 3-4 hours. And no caffeine and no sugar and no wheat.  Sigh...

  Happy Tuesday, everyone !!



  1. Hi Annie, I haven't been around much but had to check in and see what you're up to now. That's so cool that you do the 12th step work, and it reminds me that I need to go to a meeting. The thing is it's scary going into a new group and everyone is so young. I really wish there were special groups for old people.
    Well, sounds like summer is ready to move in and take over very soon, and I am not looking forward to it.

  2. Good for you Annie for giving so much of your time to other people!!

  3. It's so nice to check in and see how you are doing. Glad to hear you'll be able to start cutting back on some of those visits, but it's important not to overdo it (who am I kidding?). You are always an overachiever. :-)

  4. Hi Nam,

    Glad to hear things are going pretty well for you, other than you are buried in "stuff" to attend to. You put most of us to shame. It's so nice you are meeting up with your friend from 37 years ago. That is very special. Enjoy. Oh, I have a new blog post today too - finally.

  5. How are you ever going to do all that with no caffeine?! Ugh! I tip my hat to you!

  6. Hiya, RJ --good to see you. Nothing to be scared of--we're all the same. Those whippersnappers could use some of your old age and treachery. Bahahahaha

    Seriously, things are limping along here. Still don't have the garden in and I'm going to get nervous about it any minute now. lol

    Don't be such a stranger.. xoxoxox

  7. Good morning Beth... hope things are chipper on your end. Get any rain yet ??

  8. DJan...when you get hurt like I did and they give you a pretty dire prognosis...I think you just have to be a stubborn, hardheaded overachiever. Otherwise you'll just lie i bed all day and whimper, and that's just not my style. lol

    Thanks for popping in !! xoxoxo

  9. MDCM--I am on my way over to your place now. Happy Friday !!

  10. HIH--I'll tell you how...I'm cheating. Yesterday I felt so bad from the caffeine withdrawal that I broke down and drank 2 cups of Earl Grey tea. That took the edge of. This morning I just made a pot of coffee. LOL

    As long as I eat my breakfast first and drink a full glass of water, I can have a cup or so, which is all I really drink in a day anyway. So to heck with it, I'm having a cuppa.
