Friday, May 9, 2014

...and the wheel of life keeps on turnin'...

 I am so sad to read of the loss of one of my favorite bloggers, Annie's Granny... Carol's last weeks and months since her cancer diagnosis were filled with the love of friends and family, and that's maybe as good as it gets. She died May 7th, surrounded by her family, passing peacefully into her next great garden adventure.  She will be missed, ever the intrepid gardener, loving wife, grandmother, sister and aunt.  

  Goodbye dear one.


Been a whirlwind around here ... nothing particularly big going on. My friend Dave's ashes were scattered by his partner and long time friends. There will be a gathering this Saturday to celebrate his life.

 Some friends of mine are finally tying the knot after living together for 6 years, so at the end of the month we will have a wedding to attend.  My friends daughter had her beautiful baby boy a week ago and everyone is over the moon, as you'd expect. Other friends are hanging it up after about 6 years together, unable to make their marriage work. Graduations,  going on too--2 women I know just graduated from nursing school on Wednesday.  Lots of activity...and I am so grateful for my boring little life. SO grateful.

  The big old wheel just keeps on turning...We're born, we make a life, we die. It never changes.


 I am back on track with the diet, and have lost 4 pounds since Monday.  Feel much better today, after 2 days of sugar and caffeine withdrawal.  I broke down and had a cup of earl Grey tea yesterday and it perked me right up.  lol  The food list for Wed and Thurs is a very limited one and that is the hardest 2 days of this diet. I made it through somehow.  By the skin of my teeth and 2 very long middle of the day naps. lol  Yesterday I was home all day (Yay !!) and got a lot of cleaning done that was way overdue.  It's that time of year when the elm trees start releasing all those little amoeba like seed pods which are EVERYWHERE--in the gazillions-- and now the maples are sending out all their little whirligigs too.  I swept down the back deck and half an hour later you couldn't tell. Same with the front porch. And because I was vacuuming the house and mopping floors, I had to do it, even though I knew it was futile.   It looked like it was snowing outside with all those damned things floating around.  And then, after my house was all cleaned, the dog blankets were all washed, the couches and chairs all vacuumed, the floors spic and span...every time I turned around, I would find more of those elm seed pods .  AARRRGGGHHHH  !!!!!!  It was like they were falling out of my butt.  I know they were probably falling out of my hair, because every time I had to go outside I was brushing them off me. (BTW--I go through this every year.) The people and the dogs and the cats all track them back in.  Sigh....

  It was supposed to storm last night and rain all day today. It LOOKED like it was going to storm last night...and the winds came up and cooled us off, but the water part never materialized.  And it isn't raining today yet either, save for a few sprinkles when I went out this morning to loose the chooks.  It got really hot and humid yesterday, and at one point in the late afternoon, it was one degree hotter outside than it was in my house.  I am fighting turning on the's not even the middle of May yet !!!!!  I almost broke down and turned it on, because I was about to start cooking supper and that was going to make it even hotter...when I realized that the condenser was still wrapped up like a Christmas present from the winter, so I didn't.   After the Irishman got home from work, he went out and took the covers all off and hosed it down and said it was ready.  I said I don't want to turn it on yet, and he said better to run it and see if it needs servicing now, than wait until it won't work and it's a hundred degrees outside.  Good point.  But then it started getting cloudy and windy and so it didn't get turned on  after all. But as soon as it heats up again--it's ready.  lol

  Alrighty. It's after 9 now and I've been up for 3 hours. Had a good breakfast with 2 eggs, Ezekial Sprouted grain toast and half a grapefruit. And a big glass of water. And yes...a mug of coffee. And boy--does it taste good.

 Have a grand day...and tell the people you love that you love them. Don't ever miss that chance.



  1. I was sorry to hear about Annie's Granny, too. She was such a treasure. Life is so precious. This time of year it is almost impossible to keep from tracking the outside, inside. Especially if you have dogs (and humans...)! I have been trying to cut back on my caffeine - but cut it out? NEVER! LOL!

  2. Sorry about Annie's Granny, so good of them to post and let us know. The wheel just keeps turning. I'm thankful for the new babies. I've got maple tree whirly gigs all over my patio. Thanks for your post Annie and God bless the people who keep the hospices going.

  3. So sorry about Annie's Granny. It's always hard losing someone we love. I'll have to tell Carole because she was asking if anyone had heard from a Grannie! I'm thinking it might be the same one. One life is taken and another begins - congratulations on the new baby in the family.

  4. Glad that we are together on this voyage of life. Best wishes and

    ALOHA from Honolulu

  5. Sad to hear if a fellow bloggers' passing. The circle of life.

    "Loose the chooks..." What does that mean?!

  6. Susan--Life IS precious. And that says it all.

  7. many things to be thankful for, that's for sure. xoxoxox

  8. Mary--it's the circle of life...

  9. Dear too, too. xoxoxox

  10. HIH--lol, It's what I say when I am going out in the morning to free the chickens from their nighttime captivity in the coop. We have top lock them in at night because of coyotes, dogs and racoons
