Sunday, March 2, 2014

Big girls don't cry...

Had to get another cast. The bone has slipped down--he said probably a combination of overuse and the swelling going down and loosening the cast.  He thinks it will still be alright, after another 2 weeks in a cast and then a splint. I am really really really trying hard to not use it at all.  I am back in the sling, as well, which is causing the whiplash in my neck and shoulders to worsen. I have an almost constant slight and steadily worsening headache.  The neck muscles are hard knots. The back of my skull aches from it.

 I went through a few hours of  self-pity, then anger, then crying.It's just too much. 

  Then I pulled up my big girl panties and went on with my life. 

  Until yesterday, when I got a letter in the mail from Medicare, saying that they understand I have other insurance that should be paying before them...blah blah blah...with FOUR pages of forms to fill out about this insurance that I supposedly have.  Of course, they are talking about the driver who hit me and HER State Farm Insurance. They even have the claim number written on the letter and the State Farm address and everything.  WTH ???   I cannot fill out 4 pages of forms WITHIN 10 DAYS
with no right hand. I simply cannot.  Tomorrow I shall call them and see if I can resolve this over the phone.

 I did have a wonderful massage last Wednesday. When she used the hot stones on my neck and upper back, I almost cried from the relief.  It was so nice to have an hour of respite from the pain, even though she had to tread lightly and not go very deep into the tissue. She kept poor thing...until I wanted to cry for myself. lol  Just the reassurance of healing hands on my body was enough to soothe me.   I have another one scheduled for Wednesday, and am seeing the chiropractor twice a week. 

  Today is Sunday. We were supposed to have a storm come in last night, and it did sleet and put a nice layer of ice on everything, but only about 1/4 inch of snow. They are still calling for 4-6 inches today, although it has been barely spitting snow, so maybe it will all miss us for a change.  It's almost 1:30, so I guess there's still time.  But I shall keep my fingers crossed and my hopes high that it will go around us.

  This morning we had a big breakfast of ham and bacon and eggs and potatoes and everything bagels...the boy and husband did most of the work with a little supervision from me. Then they [mostly] cleaned everything up too.  Why is it men can not ever wipe down the stovetop when they clear up ??  lol

 Alright...I am going to get my ice pack for my neck and a book and perhaps a cup of chai tea...and go into the bedroom away from the tv (husband is marathon movie watching--all LOUD action movies) and alternate the ice and the heating pad and that will help. It's basically a quiet lazy day here and I should be doing some laundry, but first things first.  This headache needs to go away...

  Enjoy your Sunday dear ones...



  1. But through it all (and it is A LOT!) you still have a sweet smile on your face.

    Could you possibly get a massage more often? The other thing would be to work on talking yourself into a more relaxed state of being (ahem) so you don't get so knotted up. (Remember I know from whence you come . . . we're happiest when we are able to do what needs to be done. 'Cause if we don't do it, it doesn't get done! Try to analyze which is more important: Those things you see as needing attention screaming at you . . . or getting your arm healed.) Kudos to the guys for helping out, but it is sooo much simpler to do things yourself, I know.

    Hang in there and remember the doctor says you ARE getting better. Hugs.

  2. Annie, there is only one you and you are special. Prayers for you! hugs!

  3. Mama Pea...once a week is all I can d for the massage, twice a week for the chiro. It'll be okay. The knotted up is from the soft tissue injury from the seat belt when I was rear ended at the end of January.


  4. Thanks Beth... your support means the world to me xoxoxoxo

  5. I am sure that was NOT what you wanted to hear. However, it does prove that your pain was real and for a reason. You have an incredibly busy, full life and it's hard to slow down. It does sound like the fellows are stepping up - now just let them. Keep us posted!

  6. No Susan, it wasn't. And i feel guilty because i kept trying to do things. sigh...

    Friend of mine fell this morning (much younger than me) and broke the big bone right at her elbow. At least it was her left arm. I told her we should start a club. lol

  7. Rest, rest and rest!
    The hot stone massage is THE best, isn't it?!

  8. Going slow slow slow...and yes--it rocks !! (giggle...get it?? rocks?...)

  9. How did you break your wrist?Did you take the cast off?Hope you feel better and dont have any pain.
