Tuesday, February 25, 2014

arrgghhh...Lulu got up on the wrong side of the bed today

Or healthy. Or not hurting. Or rested. Or, or, or... I haven't posted for a week and I can't do this now.

Maybe tomorrow...


  And now it's tomorrow. Feeling a little better...I spent a grand total of maybe 6 hours awake yesterday.  WTH ??  I am NOT a sleeper, people.   I went to bed Sunday night at 10:30--that was weird enough, about 4 hours earlier than normal.  I slept until 7 AM.  Got up, made some coffee, and fed animals, did a few of those always-waiting-for-me-in-the-morning-chores...didn't even finish the coffee and felt the need to return to the bedroom, where I promptly fell asleep and didn't get up again until after noon--12:30.  Oh lordy !!  I made something to eat--something kinda weird but tasted good to me. Opened a can of great Northern beans, a jar of home canned okra, onions and tomatoes and heated it up together with a handful of egg noodles. It hit the spot, once I put a little butter and black pepper in it. I walked around a little dazed and confused (lol)  and got some hamburger patties out of the freezer, took the book we're reading for group (which was last night), decided it would be easier to keep my arm propped up if I read it in bed (big mistake) read about half of the reading and fell asleep again, and didn't wake up until 5:45.  I jumped up and got dressed, put the burgers in the skillet to cook, found some wild rice in the fridge (thank you, God, for leftovers) and quickly ate a burger with most of the leftover okra stuff from my lunch poured on top of it. I fixed the Irishman a bowl with wild rice on the bottom, 2 burgers on that, and the remaining okra stuff on top of it all.  Then I proceeded to act like this is exactly what I MEANT to feed him. He bought it hook, line, and sinker. I brushed my teeth and finished dressing and we left.  When he finished his supper in the car on the way there, he said--wow, that was really good.  Mmm-hmmm, I said...


  And now it's Tuesday.  I slept another 6 hours last night. So far today, I have not found it necessary to take a nap. LOL  Don't know what that was all about--didn't/don't feel sick or anything.  This morning I have wrangled the chickens, vacuumed the floors (most of them), put some pinto beans and ham hocks on to cook. I have my volunteer stint this afternoon and won't be home til half an hour after the Irishman gets home. I am going to bake cornbread before I leave so that will be ready. In the midst of cleaning out the fridge this morning, I found 2 containers with half an onion in them, so I chopped the onions and they are now ready to go on top of the beans.  I hauled stuff out to the compost pile, washed all the containers. Had a huge sink full of dishes to wash first thing this morning, because no dishes got done yesterday. My hand is hurting from overuse, but what are you gonna do?

  I was going to run 2 other errands this afternoon before I go to the office, but decided they can wait til tomorrow. I have a chiro appointment and a massage appointment back to back tomorrow morning, so I have to be down there anyway.

 I saw the doctor last Thursday and she gave me an injection into my knee which has helped a LOT. She also wrote me a prescription for 6 massages and chiropractic treatments to help with the whiplash.  On Wednesday, I stopped by the Urgent Care because I knew my ortho guy would be there, and just wanted to ask a couple of questions. My hand/arm hurts so bad ...and people keep saying things like "It shouldn't still be hurting now" and my husband is one of them.  Making me feel like I'm being a big whiny baby about all this, but I'm telling you--it hurts. So the doc looks at me and I say--should it still hurt like this? And he gets a goofy look on his face and says--Well, yes. You BROKE it. And I said yeah, but..it REALLY hurts.  And he says, yea..you REALLY broke it. It's gonna hurt. And he says I don't wanna take the cast off early, so unless you really think there is something wrong in there, and it's not just that you're overusing it...we'll take it off next week and see. OK ? And I came away feeling much better about it. Especially after he said to tell my husband to lay off.  lol

 SO--I really have to go and get the cornbread made. Then I'm outta here for a bit.  But I'm still alive and kicking, and even sort of, well, rested.  lol



  1. Annie, your body was telling you that you needed rest. I am glad you paid attention. You do the work of 3 or 4 women and you have to draw the line somewhere. My sis in law had the cast redone on her broken wrist a week ago and she has 8 more weeks to go. Please take care of yourself! HUGS!!

  2. Healing bones hurt ~ you have every right to complain ! Take care and be good to yourself .
    Hope you feel better soon.

  3. Will the doctor give you any pain pills? But first, you should probably not be using it. Not that I think you are or anything.
    What kind of shot did you get in your knee? For arthritis?
    Take care of you Annie!

  4. GOOD for you for letting yourself sleep so much! Sometimes our bodies are smarter than we are (huh?) and we just need to let other forces take the reins.

    I'm the same way you are when injured. I think, "well, I'm healing by now so I shouldn't be feeling so much pain, right?" 'Course, you ARE over-using your hand/arm. We all know that. (I would never do something like that!) Pull back again, dear girl, and give your injury more rest. Bossy Mama Pea says so!

  5. Beth, I always think I am taking pretty good care of myself. lol The sleep was sure good...

    OMG--8 MORE WEEKS ????? Don't tell me that. I'll stab myself in the neck with a spoon (as my friend Mary likes to say). lol This cast is driving me crazy.

  6. Thank you, Willow. I've decided I don't care what anyone else says. I know what I'm feeling.

    I'm getting a massage tomorrow...ahhhhhhhh :)

  7. RJ--Yes, when I first went to Urgent care they gave me 20 vicodins. I have about 3 left. I'm going to see if he won't give me some more Thursday.
    It was a steroid injection for arthritis. It seems to be better. (Keeping fingers crossed).

    It's impossible not to use it some, like pulling my jeans up (or down) to go to the bathroom. lo

  8. I promise Mama Bossy-Pea...I'm doing the best I can. :)

  9. Rest when you can, the body heals itself when you sleep so sleep on!!
    I love accidental dinners that are a hit.

  10. I hope by now that massage has worked its magic... :)

  11. Dear Heart...Me too. I know you're right--that's why I'm feeling so tired I think, to make me slow down and rest.

  12. Susan...O.M.G. That massage may be one of the best I've ever had !! It was today at 10 AM. The next one is scheduled for next Wednesday...she worked and worked on my neck and shoulders, and used hot stones which made me feel like I could cry, it felt so good !! She kept saying, oh honey...you are a mess...this must really hurt.It's starting to stiffen back up a little, but I'm going to see the chiro again on Friday. He puts those big heat pads filled with sand on my back, and today used the tens unit as well. I could almost turn my head with no pain when I left there./ Almost. I have the heating pad ready and just finished the ice pack a bit ago.
