Sunday, February 16, 2014

Sunday night, and no relief in sight.

   Freezing rain coming in any minute...more snow and sleet tomorrow, they're saying.  Then, SUPPOSEDLY, it's going to warm up and stay that way for a bit. HAH !  I'll believe it when I see it. They keep promising us nice weather, and then the day before, they change the forecast again. Dangling carrots, anyone ?   Just commit me now...

  I am so tired of winter. Everyone is. Can we vote on this ?  lol  My brother in Georgia was without power from Wednesday until this evening. They're about to lose their minds down there. It's not causing a lot of hardships here...just tired of it. There is still over 14 inches of snow in my yard. The roads are clear, but nothing else is. And this stuff coming in tonight will make a nice mess.  Sigh...

  I've been really trying to take it easy the past few days.  I have done a little housework, but not much. I have done some cooking, but the guys have been doing some of  the cleanup.  I got a batch of kimchi made and it's bubbling away in the kitchen right now. I made some no-knead bread..  On Valentine's Day, I cooked steak and lobster, with a side of wild rice and quinoa, and steamed asparagus. That nearly killed me. lol  Today I vacuumed and swept up a bit.  My hands are both hurting quite a lot...the right one from the break and cast, and the left one from overuse.  I went to  a new chiropractor last Friday and have another appointment tomorrow afternoon...I like him so far. Then Friday I have an appointment with my GP to talk about my neck and shoulder injury an maybe get a cortisone shot in my knee. I'm hoping the GP will prescribe chiropractic and massage therapies--insurance said they will pay for it if there is a prescription with a defined number of visits for them.  My neck is pretty stiff and the chiropractor said that my cervical area and upper back are very tight and spasming still.  I've been trying to stretch as much as I can, but...I did feel better after the adjustment on Friday...eventually.  lol  Haven't  had an adjustment in a while, so I expected a little discomfort.

  Not too much to report from around here.  My arm and hand are itching like crazy under the cast and it stinks.  I'm going to use my Vitamix and make a creamy carrot and rice soup to take to a friend who had some nose reconstructive surgery last Friday. Bless her heart, she's miserable, and can barely eat or breathe. lol   Thought I could go by before my chiro appt.  This is all assuming the weather isn't so bad I can't safely get out. Still isn't doing anything out there so far.  Fingers are crossed...

  Hope everyone is staying warm and safe.  This has been a rough winter for everyone.   It's almost midnight and I need to finish up so I can hit the hay.



  1. Wishing you well

    ALOHA from Honolulu
    Comfort Spiral

    =^..^= <3

  2. We've had a bit of a reprieve up here in central Alberta, Canada from winter the last few days. Warmer temps, no snow. It ain't over by a long shot, we sill have at least another month. February is the hardest. It's why half of Canada is in Mexico right now. :(

    Rest that arm!

  3. We are referring to this as the Great Endless Winter. After getting slammed Thursday and Friday, we have had a day of reprieve, followed by a day of snow, rinse, wash, repeat. It IS enough to drive you mad. I am all for non-invasive treatments, such as massage, accupuncture and chiropractice. Hopefully, your doctor will agree. Be careful on the roads, you Angel of Mercy, you. :)

  4. Ah, the weather. I had the hardest time getting to my front door in the ten years that I have lived here. That after shoveling out enough of my driveway to get the car off the road. Sigh. At least I have power, two adoring dogs and warm, clean, dry clothes to get into.

  5. Dear Cloudia...and you as well.

    Much love from the arctic midwest!

  6. HIH, we are getting a bit of a reprieve finally too...People from around here tend to go to Texas for the winters, but when they MOVE, it's Florida. lol

  7. Susan...if there's the least little excuse, I absolutely refuse to get out on the roads. I cancelled 2 appointments this week already, and went out a bit yesterday. Today is much warmer, 50's and the ice is melting. Going to the chiro this afternoon (rescheduled from Monday).

    I'm with you on the other treatments...especially massage :)

  8. Hi Carol...

    It's been crazy, but I'm like you and really have everything I need. Feel super blessed by that, as I know folk who continually do not.

    Bless us all
