Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Such a Wednesday it's been...

 And so ridiculously cold the 2 days before this~~ at least today it got up to 28. Tuesday morning when  I woke up it was  -10.

 And it's been a comedy of errors the past few days...took my little car to the body shop, they don't have my name on the list, but do find the work order (saying that I'm not crazy, that I did have an appt that day). Then asked if I'd be needing a rental  (we already went through all this when I made the appointment). They called the car rental place, who showed up within 20 minutes...with a big ass pickup truck that I couldn't have climbed up into with TWO good arms. After a bit of sarcasm and frustration, they put me in a brand new huge Dodge SUV. I don't want that either, but my options are limited because they just "don't have a lot of cars available right now". It's got a keyless push button starter. He says -Have you ever driven one of these push button starters?  And I say--not since 1950. The beast got under 20 mpg, which killed me. It did ride nice, but I had a terrible time learning how to do basic things like adjust the heat, move the seat up, open the back hatch (it was the kid who carried out my groceries who knew how to do that--thanks Cody or Corey, whichever your name was). The seat belt was particularly painful for me to get hooked. It was huge and it was pretty, but I was glad to get my little car back.

  Except that they called me to come get my car at 4:40 this afternoon, in the middle of making supper, while my old neighbors were visiting.  I said, what time do you close? And she said 5 o'clock. I said, well...I live about 35 minutes away, so I'll have to come tomorrow morning.  Oh no--the insurance company won't pay for another day on the rental when your car is ready. I said, well what am I supposed to do? You know where I live--you have all that information.  Why did you  wait so late to call me ???  She proceeds to tell me that I can just put the keys to the rental through the night drop slot in the door, and they'll leave my keys in the car.  SOooo...the rental company isn't even going to know that the car is sitting here in your lot anyway ?????   I'm aggravated and resentful as I turn off the food I'm cooking, my visitors make ready to leave (graciously, I might add)  and I'm mumbling and grumbling all the way down there. It's the worst experience I have ever had with this company, and I've done business with them 3 times before.  I get there and one of the guys is still there, waiting for me. He comes out at my request and looks over the rental and notes the amount of gas in the tank for me.  I get my stuff and get in my little car...and they have washed, vacuumed, cleaned all the windows and left a long stemmed rose on the front seat. This is the stuff that keeps me coming back. All my frustration and annoyance evaporated and all was well. I got home just behind the Irishman and got supper on the table by 7.  The moral to this story is--give me flowers and I'll follow you anywhere.  LOL

  The hand is hurting, but nor quite as much. I'm being more careful about not using it so much, and sitting with it elevated  when I'm not doing anything. I'm taking Aleve for the pain, usually only once  day. If it gets horrible, I'll take a hydrocodone at night, but so far I haven't needed a lot...It's been 12 days and i still have 10 of the 20 pills left.

  Supposed to be in the 40's tomorrow. While the south is getting hit with typical midwestern weather today and tomorrow, we are on an upswing.  And not a moment too soon.

  Okay--I'm pooped and it's time for bed.  Catch you on the flip-flop !



  1. You always amaze me at how much you can type even with such limited movement. Glad to know you got a good place to have your car work done. They have someone on staff who knows how to sweeten up a bad situation, obviously. A rose! I would have melted, too. :-)

  2. I am so glad you are taking care of that hand!!!

    It is to be mid 30s today and I am over the moon I am so excited. LOL!!

  3. It's the little things that end up making your day. Hope your dinner went well and company still came. What a day. Glad to hear your hand/arm is feeling a tad better.

  4. All that up and down is so exhausting. But I agree about the flowers, it would have turned me around as well.

  5. Glad you got your car back and they smoothed your ruffled feathers with flowers. It would have worked with me too, and I'm not even a flower person. :)

  6. Yup! The rose would have melted my heart, too. ;)
