Sunday, February 2, 2014

She fought the ice..and the ICE won...

Well, okay.  She didn't really FIGHT it...she just sort of stepped off the bottom step (in pouring rain, I might add) and hit the one piece of remaining ice/snow pack from the last storm. And there she went, ass over teakettle like cartoon character, and hit the ground/concrete/flower bed edging/  with a crash.  I was holding a ridiculously large red and yellow and blue striped umbrella, much like a circus clown. I couldn't get up for a bit, and sat under said umbrella like a mad toad crouched beneath a mushroom.  And whimpered, and then cried and tried to push myself up (fearing a broken hip), only to find that I had extreme pain in my right arm. I switched the umbrella to my right hand and pushed up with my left, only to drop said umbrella because my arm/hand hurt. I hobbled on out to the coop and let the girls out, after struggling with door latch.  Not being a particularly quick study, I tried to scoop out chicken feed with right hand, cried out in pain, switched to left hand and threw it all willy-nilly about the floor of the run. Did the same thing again to get more for inside the coop, all the while juggling the clown umbrella and trying to unlatch the back doors of said coop. As you can well imagine, by now I am soaking wet, both from the rain, and from sitting on the ground. And from the tears.

 I came back in and the Irishman came out of the bedroom, took one look at me and said--honey, what in the world ???  And then I really started blubbering like a   giant clown-baby and said I fell and went back to the bedroom to change my sweatpants. He followed me and said husbandman things like: what happened? I was going to do that, why didn't you wait? and are you alright?  And I said, I think I just jammed my arm and I don't think I'm really hurt. And he helped me get some dry clothes on. I went out to the kitchen to make some eggs for breakfast.  But I couldn't pick up the plastic spatula. And by now, the pain was getting bad. And he said--we're going to the ER...and I said lamely, I'll be okay, if it still hurts I'll swing by after my meeting, really I think I just landed on it and jammed it pretty bad.  And he said YOU'RE BEING RIDICULOUS. And then I put the eggs back in the fridge and said, let's just go eat out this morning, okay? And he lovingly said, right after the doctor. And I stubbornly said...okay.  Because by now, I am losing all hope that this isn't really anything serious.  And we get in the car and I can't even get my seatbelt on.

 After x-rays of my wrist and elbow, the doc comes in and says, it' official--you broke your wrist. But it looks like pretty clean break, right distal radius (which I take to mean is the large bone that connects to the smaller wrist bones).  He says they are going to splint it and I am to call the ortho guy on Monday. He doesn't think surgery will be involved, that they'll be able to manipulate and set it, but of course, that will be up to the orthopedic guy.  Sooo...they splint and sling me and send me on my merry way with a scrip for painkillers to get me through the weekend.  We finally got to eat at IHOP and then picked up the drugs and came home.

We watched a couple of movies, ate a little supper, and I went to bed about10:30.  And Now It's 2:30, and I've been up for an hour. typing left-handed and this is all I've managed to write, because it's pretty slow going with one left hand. I got up because sleeping on my back and one hip, unable to thrash about because my right arm is elevated on a pillow, is not conducive to sleep. I took a pain pill before going to bed, so I was out for 3 hours before hip pain woke me up.  I'll be heading back to bed directly.

  Alright. I'm off to bed.  Just wanted to share my Saturday morning adventure with you all.  Stay tuned--it's bound to be even more fun and games in the next few days.



  1. Oh my, I've read two blogs, both suffering the ill effects of rain! So sorry!

  2. Oh, Annie, I am so glad he got you to go to the hospital! Your right hand means you'll be unable to do much, and I am REALLY impressed at how much you were able to type with just one hand. You are dedicated. And thank you for doing it, or I would have wondered where you were.

  3. OH, NO! And your right hand, no less! No one but you, dear Annie, could make the description of your accident into a humorous post. (That never-give-up attitude of yours will insure you live a long, happy, contented life . . . mark my words!) Drat and dang, I'm betting you're not going to be able to drive for a while? I cannot believe you did all the typing for the post with your left hand. I have to say once more, nothing can keep you down!

    Keep us updated on how it goes. Hugs.

  4. Oh Annie, if only you had had our 7.9 inches of snow we got yesterday instead of your rain. Take care of yourself!! HUGS!!

  5. OMC Annie - I'm so sorry this happened to you. What a mess! I know how active you are and this really puts a crimp in your life girl! I give you credit for trying to type a blog with one arm - you are a miracle worker for sure. Hugs,

  6. Your description is just too funny Annie. I was laughing out of empathy. Thank goodness you had your husband to make you get to the hospital. I hope all goes well with the ortho guy.

  7. was crazy. I have been missing that piece of ice for over a week going down those steps. sheesh...

  8. Oh,'s crazy. I'm ALREADY feeling useless and annoyed at having to ask for so much help for so many stupid little things.

    How in the world am I going to do this for 6 weeks ???

    (BTW--I would have gone anyway...the pain was too much to ignore). lol

  9. Mama Pea--I'm sure the posts will at least be shorter for a while. LOL

    The whole thing is pretty funny...and I always think better to laugh than cry. (Although I'm doing some of that too. I think it's my sensitivity to the pain meds.)

    Ohyeah...I can't wait to see what he says about driving. lol I looked at the xrays they sent me home with...looks like the break is about 3/4 of an inch down from the end of the radius. Hoping the official cast will give me more finger room.Right now I have about a half inch of fingers showing.

  10. Thanks Beth--you can keep your snow, lol. Looks like we may have more coming Tuesday night/Wednesday morning.

    Aarrrggghhh---enough winter already !!! lol

  11. Mary--not sure about the miracle worker thing, lol. Hard headed,

    I'm already having a hard time with not being able to do stuff and it's only been 32 hours. I might be in trouble here.

  12. RJ---might as well laugh, right ? Glad I made you smile...

    I'm looking for the pony under this pile of ****
    (it's gotta be there right?)


  13. Horrible accident Annie and I hope it heals quickly -- please rest as much as you can. Wish I was there to feed your chicks and make you bowls of veggie soup.

  14. Me too, MaryLA...believe me, I'm milking it for all it's worth. lol

    I keep telling myself--it's only a broken bone...I just don't bounce back like I used to. lol

    mmm...dreaming of your veggie soup...

  15. Ouch! I am so sorry to hear about your broken wrist. I pray quick healing for you. Wish I lived close enough to come over for a visit.

  16. Thanks, Hope. I'm just glad it wasn't my hip. LOL

    I wish you did too.

  17. I hate it when that happens! I think the worst part of the healing process is dealing with all that having-to-ask-for-help stuff. Patience is not necessarily one of our virtues, is it? LOL! Take care that you don't overdo it and be glad that it happened in winter when we can all use an excuse to hunker down inside. Hope you heal exceptionally quickly!

  18. Susan--me too ! lol

    Today was particularly bad...everything I tried to do, I couldn't. Had a couple of hissy fits, followed by crying spells. lol is finally over and i'm going to bed in a minute.

    We'll give it another shot tomorrow.

  19. I have been laid up with right arm (right-handed), left arm, and a cast on a leg. I was always amazed at how drastically different life is without various limbs being functional. By the time I am reading this you must be near cast free. What a winter you have had!!
