Thursday, January 30, 2014

..the wheels on the bus go 'round and 'round...


  Well, it has warmed up, but the wind is blowing 40 mph and it's cloudy with a little sun peeking through every now and then. So, although it is technically 42 degrees, it feels like 30. Still, better than 15 below.  Rain on the way possibly (it looks like it) but the National Weather Service says only a 30% chance. So, as usual...there's no way to know what may happen.

  And isn't THAT the general status and the wonder of life anyway?  Nobody knows anything. The older I get the more I can rest comfortably in that place. I used to think I was supposed to know lots of stuff. That I was required to know lots of stuff.  Of course, in all the things that counted I was wrong 50% of the time anyway.  LOL  And so I would try to know MORE. And it never made a darn bit of difference.  LOL-jokes on me.

 Now, in my 60's, I wish there was a lot less crap cluttering my grey matter. It gets too confusing. Trying to think of someones name and all I can come up with is, school buses never had seatbelts, even when cars had to have them. How critical is it that our kids are safe?   Or...what is the theory of relativity?--Oh, look--a squirrel !

 Now, in the autumn of my life (cough),  I have come to that place of sensibility (or is that senility?) where I understand that nothing is real anyway, except the dirt my feet are on MAYBE, or the elusiveness of time and change.  That the world spins and matter flies around like dust in the wind and I am you and you are me and it just turns everything into a merry playdate.  Quantum physics enchants me. It's like, the scientists are finally saying all the stuff I have known for years, ever since my first LSD trip anyway.  It's enough to make me dance in joy.  Did you know that "Abracadabra" is actually an Aramaic term that translates to "I will create as I speak"  ?   I just read that...hmm... What a powerful concept.

  Such a thought, that we can be guided and affected by the world we have created with our thoughts.  That only we can change our own reality.  That our truth is only OUR truth. Not necessarily anyone else's truth.  That must be why I have always railed against anyone trying to tell me what to believe or what was best for me. And I have always been like that...since I was a young child. IN fact, most kids are like that, if you think about it. We try to tell them everything, and they want none of it. We think we're trying to help, but are we?  From the beginning (and I am as guilty as anyone) we try to stifle our children in the thought that we're saving them (from pain, from mistakes, from doom, lol)...we try to set them on a course (HAH) that we think will "help" them.  We pretty much do everything but teach them to think for themselves.  Is this a cultural thing with us?  a societal thing?   Maybe the hippies had it right all along...just be here now. Just be free and wild.  Just be groovy, man. 


  I don't know anything...these are awfully deep thoughts for a Thursday.  LOL   I may need a nap after all this.



  1. WOW!! This is really a profound post Annie, and now I need a nap. :-)

  2. Ahhhhh.....I needed this! Now to forward to my daughter so she might know I'm not the only crazy mom out here! Thx Annie. Love to ya

  3. Maybe the scientists who developed Quantum theory were all taking acid or mushrooms in college. Makes sense to me. Being of a delicate age, I have learned to let go of so many things that used to bother me, like people not seeing things as I did. What hubris on my part. Ah well.
    I enjoyed this post Annie.

  4. LOL, Beth...deep thoughts often wear me out. Hope you're doing alright in the cold.
    Have you seen spring yet up your way?--I'm on the lookout!

  5. Mel--We're all okay. lol

    How's things your way ? I look at our kids and think, man--they are way too serious !
    My ex-grandson once said to me "You laugh all the time. I like that. My other grandma...not so much"

    It was like a gold Olympic medal to me. lol

  6. RJ--I don't they developed Quantum Theory...I think they just figured it out one day. Probably at the end of a long hard day when they were too tired to keep up the pretense that they knew anything. LOL

    I hear you about that delicate age. LOL

  7. Good morning Carol.

    I think the thing I love most about life is the mystery and the magic. ( Is that 2 things ? ) lol

    (Especially the magic).

  8. They are very deep thoughts, but oh so true. I love that graphic at the bottom to.

  9. How are you feeling, Mary? Is this cold getting to you? I was thinking of you today when I got a letter in the mail from our propane company. (I was almost afraid to open it).

    Stay warm, dear one.

  10. How very true! The older I get the less I know.

    This day you seemed to be inside my head. ;)
