Thursday, December 5, 2013

Let the games begin...

LOL.  We are indeed under a winter storm watch.  First they said it would start at 9 AM...then 2 PM. So far, it is bitterly cold, but not much else.  Oy...

  I did get a lot of outside stuff ready for it, thanks to my son for all his help. Got the windbreak up on the chicken run. Got any and all tools that were out put away.  Got the AC condenser unit covered up tight. A bunch of little things for the big snow and ice apocolypse that hasn't happened. Oh all needed doing.  And this thing is supposed to be going on through Friday too. It could happen. This IS the midwest, and it IS December.

 I have a big pot of pinto beans and ham hocks simmering away on the stove. Decided ham and beans and cornbread would make a great supper on a night like this.  I threw together a pumpkin crunch dessert too, since we finished the last of the German Chocolate brownies finaly.  lol  Can't have a storm with no sweets.  (Can I get an AMEN ????)  lol 

An earlier picture of cornbread...all made yummy with buttermilk and honey and organic, non-GMO coarse ground corn meal. Guess I'm going to have to take pics when I make it today, because I seem to have no photos in my archives of a skillet of baked cornbread !  Sheesh...

Got some laundry going...and the cats (bless their furry little hearts) knocked my last full gallon of bleach off the dryer and of course when it hit the floor it popped the lid off and over half it of poured out all over the laundry room floor. Smells nice and clean in there now.  Sigh...but there's enough for the laundry and I have a couple of small bottles under the cabinet. I'll be okay until I can get out and buy a couple more cases of the gallons. No big deal, just a small hiccup in the everyday stuff at Honeysuckle Hill. Anyway the last load of wash (nasty work clothes) is in the washer and the dryer is running and 2 loads are already washed and dried and put away. 

  The cold is making me hurt today. Back hurt so bad when I got up that I had to put on a pain patch.  My knees are stiff and sore and I'm hobbling along like a little old woman. So it goes. I made my to-do list and immediately divided it in half...the other stuff I'll do tomorrow.  Mostly vacuuming and mopping and cleaning the bathrooms. I have a feeling I won't be going anywhere today or tomorrow, so there's plenty of time for everything.

 Alright...smells like the pumpkin dessert is ready to come out of the oven. And I think I'm gonna make a cup of tea and snuggle with my furbabies on the couch and read. Am  reading The Second Coming of Mavala Shikongo  by Peter Orner..a lively tail set in Afrika. One of those days...good smells, warm house and supper cooking. It doesn't get much better than that.



  1. Oh that Pumpkin Bread sure does look good. You are an amazing person for all you do.

  2. LOL! Love the Hunger Games take on the winter storm!! We just had ours go through and are heading into the deep freeze (like down to 20 below!) for the weekend.
    Now you have me hungry for cornbread! I have never made it in a skillet, but I do have one now. I might have to try that. You bake it right in the cast iron skillet in the oven, right? I already have the bean soup. ;)
    I can totally relate to this cold weather creaking all your bones and hobbling about. I hope it eases up for you. *hugs*

  3. Just the sound of that - Pumpkin Crunch - made my toes curl up! Can you share the recipe? In your spare time? Hahahahahaha...

  4. MDCM~~ uh...that's a skillet of uncooked corn bread batter sweetie. But--it was really good. LOL

  5. Willow, don't you love playing with food ?? I do !

  6. Rita~~ I just saw Catching Fire and it was great. I love the Hunger Games too, got the set of books for Xmas last year.

    Yes, you bake it right in the skillet. I always oil up the skillet good and then put it into the preheated oven until it gets so hot that the batter sizzles when you pour it in. It bakes it perfectly--love my cast iron.

  7. Susan--it's a really good and not-so-good-for-you dessert. I had it the first time at a little mom and pop diner somewhere...asked about 4 times to finally get the old cook to come out and tell me how to make it.

    I'll post it.

  8. BTW---lol---I feel like I have so much spare time this time of year that I can't get motivated !

  9. Annie, what a lovely home you make for you and your loved one(s). We have lost so much, in so many ways, when women no longer feel being a homemaker is a valuable occupation. Of course, it's especially sad when there are children at home but no one at home to raise them. Even though there are only the two of us on a regular basis, I feel our lives are so much enriched by me choosing to be home, pinching pennies maybe, but being able to do those things that make a house a home. As you do on a daily basis.
