Sunday, December 1, 2013

December 1, 2013

And here it comes...that slow slide into the bowels of winter. That dark heaviness that we try to combat with colored lights , excessive baubles and  food.  The time of celebration and contemplation and all things in between. Grey days generally, which are offset by days of brilliant sunny cold. Today is freakish. Supposed to get to 51 today and 55 tomorrow. Before we know it that will be a memory and the snow will come and the early darkness will have me in bed by 10 PM, instead of my usual midnight or later. The nights have been  painfully clear and beautifully cold.  I stood in the backyard last night after putting up my chickens and stared into the night sky, at once awakened and silenced by the sight of gazillions of stars.  Blissful.

I've been here alone mostly for the past 5 days.  It has been an interesting time of reflection for me. I ventured out a couple of times- to my brothers for Thanksgiving and then to the feed store on Friday (bad timing) because I ran out of chicken  feed.  Not sure how that happened, as I usually keep a backup of 2 bags in the garage.  Then I went to a birthday meeting after the shopping spree because it was right down the road from there.  Nice, because I saw some women I haven't seen in  quite a while. The boy was in and out, mostly out.  He came home last night to tell me that it looks like he is getting his dream home...a little cabin on 20+ acres that he's been lusting after for about 4 months. I know he needs to go. I probably need him to go.  But it felt (for a minute) like just one more thing. Today I am back to being grateful for this time I have had with him. It's been a blessing.

 Thanksgiving Day was good...lots of great food, babies and nieces and nephews.   I come from a big family, the oldest of 6 I am.  Even though this was only about a third of the family, it was still a houseful.  There is no turkey at my house this year.  Nothing like this time a year ago.  lol

  If I find turkey on sale, I'll be getting one to cook, otherwise I guess not. I still have about 12 jars of canned turkey and stock from last year, so I have done a pretty good job of using the stuff in my pantry.  I was thinking about getting some Cornish Game hens to cook for supper tonight when the Irishman gets home, but I really don't want to drive anywhere.  I still might, since I need some fresh fruit for lunches and I have pretty much depleted my flour supplies. I have a little whole wheat pastry left and some spelt. And lots of coconut flour.  I don't know how much I want to do, Sunday being the day of rest and all.


  I'm thinking about painting my front bathroom today. Thinking. About. It.  The boy got the new vanity and sink in and the floor tiles replaced and everything newly grouted so it looks wonderful. The wall around where the old vanity came out (new one is smaller) needs painting it and the whole bathroom is going to get it. I have another whole gallon of the stuff I used in the big bathroom remodel.  Why not? Clean and brighten it up.

  Unfortunately, the boy just brought in a magazine for me to check out called The New Pioneer, and it looks like something I want to read.  So now I'm thinking that might use up a lot of this day, lol.  I might run to the store and grab a piece of red meat to make a stew and then use up the leftover rolls I brought home after Thanksgiving  (herbed, with dried tomato and onion) and maybe go pick enough small lettuce,  kale and spinach to make a salad to go with.  He'll be hungry after the long drive, I'm sure. It's about 8+ hours from northern Wisconsin to here. Guess there might be news about the possibility of moving when he gets's hard to tell.

  So there you have it...all the boring news of a quiet Sunday on Honeysuckle Hill.  It's still a little chilly here in the house this morning, but warming up nicely outside. I need to go check the chickens, look at the cold frame and be thankful that I'm alive.

 Hope everyone is enjoying their Sunday after the shopopacalypse.  I'm thinking about baking some cookies. Maybe.



  1. Annie, your days are never quiet. I could tell you what a quiet day is. LOL I am having one today!

  2. I started painting my bathroom yesterday ~ hmm have been "thinking" of doing little house repairs lately too :)

  3. You mean you might move to northern Wisconsin?! Now that would be a huge shift!

    I'm having a quiet day. Bedding is rolling about in the dryer. Karma is sprawled across my leg. 4:42 and it is already dusk and getting darker by the minute. We're expecting a winter storm and 20-35 below wind chill tonight through Thursday. Feels like Jan-Feb weather already.

    I just caught up with all your posts from November. Just because I've missed you. :) :)
    You'll have to let us know if you are moving or not. And are both Mollie and PoPo all better?

  4. I hope you relaxed and put your feet up. You are always so busy, but then maybe you are the happiest when you are extra busy. I'm sure you will miss the boy if he decides to move out. I suspect he was deer hunting like most everyone this past two weeks. Hopefully he was successful!
