Friday, December 21, 2012

Winters Solstice

 Celebrating the return of the sun...

  But not celebrating with friends here on Honeysuckle Hill... got knocked on our keisters yesterday by our first winter storm. It was crazy...looked like  blizzard out there, because the winds were at 50 mph.  It actually ony snowed about an inch, but it came fast and hard and now all the country roads are iced over and packed down and although not completely inaccessible, I am afraid our city dwelling friends would not be able to navigate out here. Country road, no street lights, no in the country. Designed to keep the riff-raff out. lol

  Soooo...we have cancelled/postponed the big party until another time.  Maybe Valentines Day.  When the "weather" came rushing at us yesterday, I stopped in my tracks.  I didn't make any soup, I didn't bake any more bread. I finished the cleaning I was doing and as the electricity kept going in and out, I knew there was a very good chance that this would happen.  And I started to relax.  lol

  The Irishman called after work and asked if I absolutely HAD to have him stop at the market for a couple of things I had listed for him last night, and I said no, just come home safe. Well, on the way home in the storm, he slid off the road and a guy stopped and picked him up and brought him all the way home.  So, this morning we had to slowly pick our way up the road and go see about his truck. We called the tow truck and before they could get there (a 4 hour wait) a couple of guys with 4 wheel drive came by, procured a tow strap and pulled him out. So he called and cancelled the truck.  Thank God, he wasn't hurt, the truck wasn't hurt, and I made it back down our icy road with out sliding off the road.  All the roads in town, of course, are clear.

 So, everyone has been contacted and the party is cancelled, and I don't know what to do next, because my list is MOOT.   :)   Not really.  I took the bread dough out of the fridge and made balls and set it out to raise. Rise.  (You know, get bigger).  I am going to finish a couple of little things I started yesterday, like taking furniture polish to the dining room table legs and the chairs.  I MIGHT  make a batch of granola bars. Or I might not. lol  I'm kind of on vacation.  I did make the bed, do the breakfast and lunch dishes and vacuum the furnace filter.  And in a little while here, I'm going to sit on the couch with my feet up and a warm fleece blanket pulled around me, and watch The Young and the Restless.  Bahahahahahaha....the Irishman is out right now, taking a load of stuff to the recycling center and stoppibng on his way home to pick up my Christmas ham.  I may not have to leave this house for a week.  lol

  Today is cold (30) but sunny.  Once the sun goes down, it will drop to 21 degrees and all the melting slush will freeze again, hard as a rock. Slick as snot.  haha  Starting tomorrow, temps are warmng up again into the mid forties for 2 days and then back into the 30's for Christmas. Who knows? We might get snow for Christmas and we might not. I don't care either way. I'm sure there'll be plenty more chances.

  Alrighty then...I'd better get in the kitchen and check on those 2 loaves of bread.  Thinking I might have a cup of nice hot tea and a biscotti to go with it while I watch Y&R.  It's an exciting life I lead, I'll tell ya, lol



  1. Annie, you know that I am a Die Hard Y&R fan and have been for a long long time. I am not liking all of the silly young people on there. They border on the ridiculous with their story lines. LOL

    Sorry about your party, Biscotti with a cup of tea sounds good.

  2. Yummy. Bread, biscotti, tea, a little tv action. Sounds like a fine way to spend a winter day or two, or week or whatever...

    Glad your Irishman's ok. I know from slippery roads and trucks. Thank goodness for good samaritans with 4wd and tow lines.
    Stay cozy,
    xo m

  3. Well, you received a gift from the Universe, if you ask me! You might not have your party, but you are on vacation now! So glad to hear the Irishman made it home safe and sound, and that the truck did, too. It's all good, Annie! Happy happy holidays to you!!

  4. Beth--I agree. I read somewhere that they were going to start getting rid of people on there...I thought Kay was dead the other day, lol. Maybe they'll get rid of some of those whiny kids.

    Little Flower...I know. One of the reasons I live in the country is that people help and watch out for each other. I pretty much hunker down here, once Chjristmas is over. I did a little online shopping and got the Irishman a couple of books and a dvd off Amazon. I have just decided to make him one of those fleece tied quilts as well. And my nephew too. We need another one of those quilts for snuggling up and atching tv at night. I can knock those quilts off in a day...'re absolutely right about that!! And I am taking it way easy too...Happy Holidays to you and yours as well!!!

  5. Well, I am catching up reading blogs and hope that you are still having your "vacation" Christmas. ;) Karma and I have our quiet, peaceful Christmases and I love them. Just watched It's A Wonderful Life (always brings a tear to my eye and lifts my heart). Hope you are having a marvelous Christmas!! :):) Now I'm going to put in A Christmas Story, get a fresh cup of coffee, and read blogs. ;) Merry Christmas!
