Sunday, December 23, 2012

And the countdown continues...

 And today I am puttering about and considering a nap.  It's a little after 2. I was up way too late last night and out of bed a little too early.  I have managed to accomplish a few things so far today,  and of course there are always so many more,  lol,  especially the day before a holiday.  Right now, I have bread dough raising for rolls for tomorrow night's supper. I am going to make a custard pie and an Impossible Coconut Custard pie, because I have quite a few eggs on hand (and I can). lol.  I have laundry ready to come out and be folded and another load done and ready to go in the dryer. One more load after that, of the Irishman's particularly dirty work clothes. I have cleaned up the kitchen a little, scrubbed the Irishman's lunch box (a job I have been meaning to do for a week--I swear, it looks like it belongs to a coal miner!!), cleaned the chicken coop, burned some paper trash and fiddled around a bit. Nothing too strenuous.

  The boy is off to his grandmother's house for a Christmas dinner.  His half brother will be there with his children, and the boy bought presents for them all, even after the mother said don't because they didn't have much money for Christmas this year. The boy said--well, I do, so all the more reason I should buy them! And then he also got some $$ cards for the brother and sister-in-law. I know they will surely appreciate it, and am proud to have such a generous son.

  The Irishman is out and about today as well. First, his home group meeting and then to meet up with a friend for a short hike. Then (hopefully) he will remember to stop and get the gift for the boy, some shells for his new shotgun. And finally, by my sisters house to pick up the stove she is giving us because she got a new one.  I have been wanting to set up a summer kitchen and this will be perfect. The range is electric, which I don't care for in my day to day cooking, but it will be easy to use wherever we decide to set it up for canning, etc.

 So, I am home, reveling in the quiet. Tomorrow my nephew will come and join us for a few days and we will have baked ham and sweet potatoes and platters of crackers and dips and pickled veggies of all sorts and bread and pie and green beans and fresh baked 12  grain rolls, and all the hoo hah that goes along with a holiday meal. And we'll eat until we're sick and then later, we'll start all over again. We'll exchange gifts too. I got both the boys some really nice lined leather gloves,  the books and dvds that I ordered through Amazon came the other day and are now all wrapped and ready for the Irishman's Christmas.  I was going to make him a fleece blanket with Green Bay Packers on one side and gold fleece on the other...but the store I went to looking to get it had closed out their fabric department. I am not going shopping again until after the holidays. Maybe he'll get it for his birthday. lol

  Last night we attended a lovely winter solstice celebtration at the La Vista Ecological Institute. One we attend almost every year. It was delightful, as usual. Driving past the area Walmart on the way home, the parking lot was as full at 10 PM as it was at 6 when we went by the first time. Yowsa.

  We have not gone over the top this year. We have had a calm and peaceful time leading up to these holidays and I hope it stays that way. 

  Think I'll go take a nappie poo.  Everyone--take it easy and don't forget to BREATHE......



  1. Gosh, Annie, this post sounded almost... laid back! You are only accomplishing what would tire out MOST people. So glad to hear you are taking it easy for a change. :-)

  2. Happy Holidays. Happy all the days, all of us privileged to be in the healing process of recovery. Love, Carol

  3. Merry Christmas AZnnie. Gosh I think you did two days worth of work again in one day. Where do you get the energy? Hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas and enjoy some downtime!

  4. Merry Christmas Annie!! Blessings for you and a healthy happy New Year!

  5. Have a wonderful peaceful time my dearest friend --

  6. I hope your Christmas is wonderful and light.
    xo m
