Wednesday, November 7, 2012 election

  Like the old saying goes...Before enlightenment -chop wood, carry water.  After enlightenment - chop wood, carry water.  Nothing is changed because of last nights election, except that a whole bunch of disenfranchised people have come into their own. Hallelujah.

 The world seems a little brighter to me this morning and tonight....I'm sure the glow will fade eventually....I'm afraid I was starting to believe the hype coming from the GOP  and was worried about the election. But  I should have had more faith....we are in the midst of a great transition in this country....maybe in this world. Mankind is evolving and paradigms are shifting  and while haters are still hating (I had a guy tell me yesterday to "shove the barrel of a gun up my *** and pull the trigger"  after he said he hoped someone would put a bullet in the Presidents head. When I responded to him, that's what he said to me. Needless to say, I was shocked...)...anyway, while the haters are still hating, I have to remind myself it's a reaction based on fear and ignorance,  and they need my compassion more than my anger.  I suspect that, as always, there are beings who won't survive the transition..  This kind of change is not easy nor is it comfortable.  But once the shift starts, it doesn't stop. It doesn't go back to the way it was.  Just look at all the stuff that happened in the late 50's/early 60's with civil rights. With womens rights.  For all the things that are so right with this country, there are as many that are wrong, and it's getting time to straighten up and fly right. 

  Just looking at the First Family last night during the victory speech made me cry.  Listening to my President talk about moving forward and crossing party lines and rolling up our sleeves and getting America on track filled me with so much pride that I couldn't talk. Listening to him include ALL Americans in his speech...blacks, whites, Asians, Native Americans, Gays, Straights, men, women...ALL of us...filled my heart with so much gratitude to be an American at this exact time and place in history that I was walking on air.  I had a flash of a memory of sitting at the Woolworth lunch counter after school with my friend Hermione in 1965 and being told we had to leave because she couldn't sit there.  And today a black man has been re-elected to his second term as POTUS...and if she had lived, I cannot imagine what my friend would be thinking.  I can barely take it all in.

  And that's where my head has been today...and I'm tired from not enough sleep last night (had to get up early and go to the neighbors) because I had to stay up and watch the election results. I thought Mr. Romney gave a gracious concession speech, and looked as though he might break down and cry any minute. His wife looked though she couldn't believe he didn't win and she was NOT holding back the tears.

  I cannot imagine why ANYONE would put themselves through this kind of an ordeal.  lol

  I hope the Koch Brothers learned an important lesson yesterday.  America IS NOT FOR SALE.  Not for any price. It is ours and we have claimed it and have fought for it and will not let it go.

  I really should go to bed--I meant to be there before midnight and now it's 12:30.  The weather here has been hinky and my joints are hurting something fierce.  It's low 30's tonight, but supposed to be almost 70 by Friday with night temperatures in the 50's.  Sheesh.....we've been putting the row covers on 2 garden beds and everything out there is doing great. Tomorrow I'll be harvesting a butt load of lettuce...and the lemon grass.

 Sweet dreams all. Life is good here on Honeysuckle Hill, and my trust in the process has been renewed.  My faith in humanity is at an all time high.

  And I am going to  slip under that big quilt and snuggle up to my husband and be grateful for the life I have...



  1. An excellent post Annie. I agree with everything you said. Sadly in blog land we tend to be among the minority.

  2. I feel just the same, Annie. And there are twenty women Senators now! I am so glad I have lived long enough to see this day, too. I keep my own blog politics free, because I don't want anybody to think they don't have a right to their beliefs, but please let me have mine, too. It seems like we are seeing a sea change happen in the country, and I am also glad and feeling very blessed. I cried and cried Tuesday night, but it was tears of happiness.

  3. Well said! This morning, as the happy disbelief fades, rather anticlimactic, but far better that than the desperation many of us would be feeling otherwise.

    Get some rest, and then go chop wood & carry water...

  4. Beautifully said. But I agree with Beth, I feel that few in blogland share these sentiments. But we'll win them over... right???


    now off to chop wood and carry water....

  5. This post moves me so much Annie -- you and Hermione in 1965.

    I have a No Bigots Allowed boundary in my online life and unfriend ruthlessly, exclude blog comments and just don't read certain websites if there is racist, sexist or homophobic posting. Some of this boundary-setting is because of living in South Africa where we experienced at firsthand where racism can go and what inhumanity really means when hate speech is implemented.

    I followed Nate Silver's projections and was sure the Republicans had lost touch with reality... easier to do from a distance!

  6. I am still feeling relief! Beautiful post. Love you, Annie!! :):)
