Saturday, November 10, 2012

A productive day, all in all...

  Here's a picture I took early this morning of my magnificent red maple..I brought it from North Carolina, (a seedling) because it was a gift from a friend and I didn't want to part with it. It is such a great little tree....when the leaves first come on in the spring, they turn brilliant red like this. Then they turn green for the summer. Then in the fall, they turn red again. And eventually they all fall off.  It's in its glory stage right now. lol

  Today was one of those days of  a little of this and a little of that. Some work to earn a little extra money, which is always nice.  Then some shopping at the Farm Store (right?)  where I spent in the neighborhood of 111 dollars on chicken feed and big bags of dog and cat food, and flea medication for the dogs. Since I had a little extra money, I bought some back up bags of both chicken crack (scratch grains),  and the layer pellets.  I came home with over 200 pounds of assorted feeds in the trunk of my little Ford Focus...I wasn't out of either dog or cat food, but will need to get it within a week or so, so I just went ahead and got it. And the flea stuff...oh lordy.  Anybody with dogs knows that story.  But we've had a pestilence of fleas with this crazy weather and the dogs have been scratching like crazy.  We put it on them tonight and I'm a little nervous that I've killed them with it, they're so quiet. (Just kidding--though you do always have to watch them, as some of these things can cause reactions in the animal sometimes.)  Anyhoo, everyone is breathing and there don't seem to be any seizures happening, so I'm guessing they're okay.  And mostly no one is scratching. We could be onto something here.  lol

  After getting back with the booty, I came in and started picking up the house some and vacuuming too. About then the Irishman came home (much earlier than I expected him) and we talked a bit and decided to try to get some stuff done outside, since it was 73 degrees out there today. And sunny. WooHoo!  So, he mowed and I burned some stuff and checked on chickens. Then I dug up one of my lemon grasses after cutting most of the stalks off it and then cut the stalks off the other one too, but left it in the ground to be mulched to death and see if it will survive the winter outside under a blanket of mulch. The first one is in a pot and will come in the house tomorrow.  I stripped the stalks and tomorrow will finish them off and cut them up and freeze them.  I also cut all the tops of the walking onions and brought those in and chopped and froze them. The Irishman found some more butterbeans while getting ready to tear all that mess down and throw it in the compost.  I dug up my parsley and put it in a pot to go in the kitchen.  And I also picked a big container of lettuces, kale, and chard to go in the fridge. A very productive day...

  I have to tell you...we got out our little fire pit and built a bonfire in it tonight. We sat out in the beautiful night and roasted hot dogs and ate potato chips and bacon-horseradish dip under the sky filled with stars.  Hot dogs with mustard and onions.  I can't tell you the last time I ate a hot dog--I told himself that I'd probably get sick and die in my sleep. lol  But it sure tasted good...we sat out there and held hands and talked and listened to the sounds of the deer crashing through the thickets, and the coyotes howling in the distance.  It was nice.  Big time Saturday night, eh ?    After a couple of hours the wind started picking up and I was about done sitting in my favorite old metal lawn chair anyway, so we packed everything up and came on in the house. It had cooled off quite a bit too...but it was a beautiful evening, just me and my honey. And one cat. lol


  I am behind on my writing for NaNo , but it's okay. I'll catch up (once I quit stalling and start writing). To be fair to myself though,  I have been busy this week. And I am incredibly good at finding a hundred other things that need doing. lol  And then I am so tired at night I can barely manage to keep my eyes open past 11.  But I write best in the morning, and tomorrow, as soon as the Irishman is out the door, I shall embark on my mandatory "catching-up".  I am not going to attend the lunch on Sunday.  My sister has been here since Tuesday or Wednesday, and hasn't even bothered to call me.  So, I'm not driving an hour to go  there.  I am also not going to Wisconsin for Thanksgiving.  We talked about it last night and I told him it would be so much cheaper if he went alone because he could stay at his dad's house and we can't afford 5 nights in a motel. I don't resent his going, I really don't. I want him to have every minute he can with his dad. I lost my dad 25+ years ago and I wish every day I could have spent more time with him.  And my son (who rents the apartment from us) has been working out of town for months, so he isn't available to take care of the animals. And animal care is always a problem for us, with all the dogs/cats/chickens.  SO...As much as I hate not being with him for Thanksgiving, we will just have another Thanksgiving when he gets back.  I am invited to my brothers, so maybe I'll go there. Or maybe I'll just stay home and veg out. lol  (Boy--I could easily be a hermit, couldn't I ?)  I can do any thing I want. Hah!


  Thursday we are having our  final class potluck out at La Vista.  It will be a vegetarian potluck and I'm really looking forward to it.  I'm cooking the entree, we've divided the meal up into courses and everybody picked something. I was old and slow and got what was left. LOL  So...I'm playing with some ideas. maybe stuffed squashes?  Stuffed with quinoa and kale and onions and mushrooms, with a little sun dried tomato thrown in for color?   Or a soba noodle dish with coconut milk and lemon grass and asparagus and carrots?  Or a vegetable Shepherd's Pie, full of roasted veggies and in a thick mushroom gravy, topped with golden browned mashed potatoes?  The possibilities are endless.  I have eggplant too, in the freezer (I keep forgetting about that!) I could make an eggplant parmesan or Rollatini...Oh dear, oh dear...decisions decisions....

  Tomorrow I need to make bread. I got the granola done the other day but still haven't done granola bars. It's not like they're hard to make, they just get a little labor intensive when it comes to cutting and wrapping and storing them. And I am so lazy sometimes. lol  Anyway, I'll try to get granola bars made too. I think the Irioshman is going for a hike if it's not raining, so I will have the house to myself for awhile. Nice....

  I'm about ready to head for bed...all that gardening in the fresh air  whipped me today I guess.  I have been trying to get to bed on a schedule these days. I sleep better when I have a schedule and stick to it, going to bed and getting up at the same times. 

   Tomorrow night, this last fling of summer is supposed to be over and the cold temps are coming, especially at night.  I guess I'm ready....

    Have a grand weeks end, everyone. I am off to meet the Sandman....



  1. I hope you got a good nights sleep Annie!

    It is very sad, your sis not calling you. What is the matter with her???
    I miss my sis in WV like crazy. We talk on the phone 2 or 3 times a day.
    Life is way too short!!

  2. It's how she is, Beth, and I have come to accept it. Everything is on her time, at her behest and in whatever plane of reality she lives in. However, I refuse to be at her beck and call.
    I have 5 other siblings. lol

  3. Well, with hubby elsewhere, you will get to have two Thanksgivings, one with your family (or animals) and one with him, right? I think you should make something easy, like ratatouille or those stuffed squash. Both of them make me want to eat! :-)

  4. Yes DJan...I will. I told him--Oh, I'm cooking a turkey, mister!! lol Even though we're practicing more of a Flexitarian diet...I cannot pass up turkey cooking. lol My head would explode.

    Stuffed squashes are my first pick...but have to find out if the nun is making butternut soup (she often does, and it's fabulous!)

  5. All your choices to make do sound delicious. Especially the Shepherd's Pie! You guys got a lot done. I can relate to being too tired to do the things you know lie before you. ;) You'll get to them.

    I spend Thanksgiving and Christmas alone with Karma every year. It's not a bad thing to have peaceful, quiet holidays. I have them either before or afterwards with the kids, so it's all good. I hope you enjoy your holiday with the critters. ;)
