Monday, October 8, 2012

I'm tired...

(Here's the finished earth oven from the workshop a couple of Sundays's a beaut!)
Click to biggify!

It was a long cold, wet and unsuccessful weekend at the flea market.  We barely made enough to cover the cost of the space.  No one was out...the weather was just miserable. I am in pain from standing on the concrete pad that our spot was lower back, hips, knees, ankles and feet are killing me. Still.

  The owners told us we could stay through Sunday because Friday was so the time Saturday was over, we looked at each other and said--We're done.  So we packed up everything and came home.  Thank goodness....

  We did have some fun, and I did meet some nice people (who all, interestingly enough, live rather close to me).  I met a woman up the road a bit who has pears and has asked me if I'd like to have some, after we chatted a bit about gardens and canning. Says she can never use them all, and this year they are loaded. You know me--YES!!!!  So I am calling her tomorrow and going there to get some...I'll can some and make some pear butter too.  Sooo--not a total wash. lol  Also met the guy in town who sells honey, so I may be able to get some from him. He stopped by our booth. 

  My body is rebelling.

Sunday we dug our sweet potatoes and harvested almost all the remaining lemon grass, and the anise hyssop leaves and flowers for tea. Sunday night the temps were supposed to hit freezing, so we took tarps out and covered the lettuces, the chard, the carrots and the green beans. We laid the sweet potatoes out on the patio table and then covered them as well for the night, as the dew has been crazy heavy.  It did freeze, patchily, but nothing serious. Supposed to be mid forties tonight and warming the rest of the week, both days and nights.

  Today I sat with my neighbor all day, so his wife and daughter could attend a Parkinsons Research fund raiser lunch that happens every year. I got home around 4:30 and whipped together some supper for the Irishman. Made a lovely stuffed butternut squash and steamed broccoli, and macadamia nut cookies for dessert.  And now it is late and I am whipped. I've been up since 5:30, for one thing. And I'm still exhausted from the weekend. I MUST be getting old....

Here's a picture of supper...

It was quite tasty.

  I need to head off to bed. I have a big couple of days on tap...especially if I get those pears.  My belly is full and my body is tired. A good thing...unless you want to stay awake and play. And I'd like to, but I just don't think I can.  lol

  Hope everyone has a great week....I'll be back!!!  Rested up, hopefully. And sparkling with wit and wisdom.  HAH!




  1. No wonder you feel tired! You did so much

    Aloha from Waikiki,

    Comfort Spiral

    > < } } ( ° >

  2. I agree that you accomplish an enormous amount in your daily life. Sorry to hear that the weather was crappy for your sale. That would have made me tired, too...

  3. You wear me out just reading your post Annie. Slow down a bit, you have a lot of life left to live.

    supper looks good!

  4. I agree with the others; your posts make me applaud your energy & hard work, and long for a nap! It's okay to take a breather and a day for rest once in awhile. Hoping you're refreshed & rarin' to go again. Or kicking back with a blanket, tea & a good book!

  5. Standing on cement is really hard on me anymore, too. Plus the dampness...whew! No wonder you're tired and sore!

    It's been in the 20s and 30s at night here. Definitely freezing.

    Rest up. The pears are coming! Take it slow and easy, okay? ;)

  6. You're not getting old. You just squeeze a lot into your days! Standing around at a sale, ESPECIALLY when there are no customers, is the pits and wears on you more than if you were crazy busy. See if you can work on the pears in a sitting position. Years ago we had two big, beautiful pear trees and I canned pears which we really enjoyed in a small dish as a lovely just-sweet-enough dessert many a night.
