Thursday, October 4, 2012

Early morning with a cuppa...

One of the gorgeous culprits of lots of folks allergy problems this time of year...I have lots of goldenrod growing around my place...thankfully, I am not allergic, as I think it is absolutely beautiful. It's  a very brilliant yellow and always make me think of hope, for some reason, and sunshine. There's one big giant clump of it growing right at the fence at my driveway, and I told the Irishman it's part of my security system. It'll keep all the sneezers at

  I'm up early this morning and have a big full busy weekend on tap, so I thought that I'd start slow today, with a big mug of Sumatran coffee and come by here and say a hello to you.  And share some thoughts about existence on this planet, and lol...shoot the chit, basically.  Who am I kidding? I write here to hear myself talk, the same way I wander around Honeysuckle Hill on a regular basis, talking to the dogs and cats and chickens, and talking to myself when I don't feel they are giving me the proper attention.  Oh well. All my girlhood dreams of being a great novelist have pretty much dissipated by this time. I can't even seem to attract a decent number of readers here, is what it is. I still write for me, and to connect with a couple of others...though I must admit I do get jealous when I see bloggers with 300 followers and 50 and 60 comments on a post. And I walk around feeling like chopped liver for a bit, then I move on.  It's alright. I think I've been blogging here at blogger since August of 2008. And was at Wordpress before that for a bit. When I look at the stats page I am confused by it as there appear to be quite a few page views...who knows? I write for the joy of writing and I write here for the discipline of writing  (not a LOT of discipline-but I used to write every day). lol   Anyway, blogging for over 4 years here at Elegant Blessings has been an accomplishment for me in ways I never would have imagined myself capable of. I'm a great starter but not always a great finisher. I'm bored with things easily.(I figure I'm either a genius or I have severe ADHD!)  I often tackle projects that seem like the be all and end all to me...only to be uninterested a month later. This late in my life, I sometimes think I'm just trying to cram in all the experiences that I haven't investigated yet, before it's too late. 

  This weekend is the big flea market and I am not ready at all. We can go set up today until 6pm tonight and leave our stuff there. Have to be there at 7 AM on Friday and Sat mornings. My neighbor and I are going to take turns sitting there,  because we have to be there until 6 PM.  I only hope the weather holds out for us and that there is enough foot traffic generated to help us sell some stuff.  It will be what it will be, I guess. I attended the last one and it seemed to do okay. Hoping this one will be even better because it's getting closer to Xmas.   I am even thinking about taking a few jars of homemade canned stuff the first day, just to see...maybe some jalapeno jelly and tomato preserves and pickled okra...just to see.  I kinda don't want to, as I can all that stuff for us to eat, but I am a little curious...well, we'll see what happens. 

  The first debate is over and the supporters for either side are claiming victories, as they are wont to do.  What IS it about Republican politicians that always has them smirking and smug?  It's the one thing that nearly drove me insane about George Bush too. I would catch myself wanting to punch him in the mouth all the time.  I flipped back and forth through the debate, and every time I would see Willard's face, he would be smirking.  And I would immediately go back to NCIS. lol  These debates are a dog and pony show in so many ways...but I was intrigued by the way the Republican candidate consistently ignored the moderator and would not stop talking when asked to. A complete lack of respect.  Is it his wealth? Is that what puts people into a mindset that they are above the rules?  Is it just a lack of discipline (hey-I could relate to that)?   Is it that many of them got the wealth they have because they have committed unconscionable acts, and have never been held accountable for them?  I look at guys like Warren Buffet and think--he doesn't smirk and he doesn't act like he's scared  somebody's going to take his money away from him. He seems well...HUMAN. And I have always thought,. he seems like the kind of a guy you could sit down and have a cuppa coffee with.   I watched a video of Barack and Michelle talking about their 20th wedding anniversary and it made me so happy. I have felt from the jump that these are REAL people, these are loving and kind and compassionate human beings...the kind of people I am proud to have as President and First Lady. The kind of people who give me HOPE when they make it into political office...hope that maybe we ARE finally changing the world, a little bit at a time...that maybe there will be a day when we transition from a society of fear and hate, into a society of  love and compassion.  It could happen...

  So here I sit and ramble...and the time has come to pull up my big girl panties and get busy. I have colored stickers to price all the crap, uh, I mean, merchandise...I have most of stacked up in the garage, waiting for me. The chickens are still in the coop waiting for me to get them out. My cousin is having a yard sale tomorrow  and has offered me first peek to come over and get what I may want today. (yay!! more stuff!!) I have to go down by her and pay my water bill anyway, so...I kept the Irishman's truck today and he informed me last night the gas tank is low, ...grrr....I filled my car up yesterday for him before I knew he was leaving me with an empty one. grrrr....I need to go get dressed, get my hair up under a baseball cap and move it. I'm thinking the Mardis Gras hat (purple) will be perfect.  lol

  Hope everyone has a happy Thursday, I'll be back to report on the grand adventures in due time. 

Oh--and I finally saw some more pictures  from the earth oven building day. I'll try to get some on here so you can see the finished project!



  1. I read your blog faithfully, Annie, even if I don't always comment. I'm sure there are plenty of others, too. I don't want any more followers than I've already got, and what would I do with 50 or 60 comments?

    Your writing style is so comforting to me, I read it so I can feel better about life. I started to watch the debates and simply could not continue to listen to the speechifying...

  2. You should take a closer look at your stats -- many bloggers who don't get that many comments have a large number of visitors. And conversation between a handful of friends is how I like my comments to read!

    I work to keep my stats low for professional reasons and would have to stop if I got more readers -- but Annie I love your writing and wish you'd get back to the novel.

    Yes on the politics, everything you say.

  3. I read your blog each time Annie and I always comment on anything posted by my followers. Your blog is always very interesting and full of good chit! ;-)

  4. Annie, Sad to say but I have not commented on your blog before.I am a lurker,I love to read yours and a couple other blogs,but I for some reason I don't or rarely comment.I will make an effort to comment more frequently.I am sure there are more people like me, who read but don't comment.

  5. So funny to see you write about the blog because I have the same many page views, so few followers & commenters (although I love and appreciate those who so often take the time to comment). Makes you feel like it's just an exercise in vanity. Guess we blog because we enjoy it, huh? are so busy I get tired reading; you must have boundless energy! Hope the flea market is a rocking success!

  6. I already voted by mail so I didn't need to listen to the speechifying. ;)

    I have been reading you faithfully for quite a while now. You always have seemed like a woman I would love to sit with at your kitchen table and now that I know you have Sumatra (my fav)... ;)

    I have always been very comforted by your posts. You always lift my spirits and your soul shines through your posts. hope you never quit blogging!! :) :)

  7. guys. I love you. I didn't mean for this to sound so desperate...maybe I do need to practice writing more, ((Mary)). LOL

    The crazy thing, is I do the same thing...I probably ready close to 30 blogs a day and don't comment on more than a handfull...

    Oh well. It's a rainy morning here and I am dreading getting out in it. RITA!! Let's have coffee. We're not SO far from each other, are we? lol

    Ashling--it's raining cats and dogs--the flea market (for today, anyway) might be a bust. We'll see. I noticed that we do think alike too, when I read your blog, lol. Birds of a feather...

    And I feel that way about a lot of you --DJan, Beth, Rita, Mary, and HI--Lesley C !! I am so glad you've shown your face. Do you have a blog??

  8. I love your writing - don't give up on it. Your blog is "real" and down to earth. In fact, you put me to shame with all that you do. I started Mario's blog 3 years ago because of friends on Twitter and it was a good way to tell his "toothie story" without repeating it over and over again. Unfortunately, because of the two blogs and all I do on Twitter, I don't get around to read blogs every day, but on the days I do, I always look forward to your blog and the other few human blogs I follow.

  9. Right on Annie!I see an arrogant sense of entitlement in those silver spoon babies.

    BTY, do not fear the solidago (goldenrod). The pollen is not airborne because it is too heavy. Ragweed is usually the culprit!

  10. Right on Annie!I see an arrogant sense of entitlement in those silver spoon babies.

    BTY, do not fear the solidago (goldenrod). The pollen is not airborne because it is too heavy. Ragweed is usually the culprit!
