Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Oh dear, oh dear....

  Something wonderful today would be waking up and finding all the fruit flies GONE!!!!  What is the deal? I have never had such a problem...I clean things up immediately, I have poured bleach down the drain, I have made a vinegar trap...and even have a flypaper strip (YUCK!)   and still--there are a gazillion fruit flies buzzing around in this house. ENOUGH ALREADY !!!!!!


   I didn't take any garden pictures today. I was out there too, wallowing in the wonder of the beauty and remarkable growth...and kept getting busy doing things and saying oh--I'll do that in a minute. And as the sun set and I walked out to shut up my chickens in the coop...I realized that I never did photograph the garden.


  I  did do laundry and hang it out to dry. Which it didn't. I hung the last load up at 12:30. When I went out back at 8 PM to take it down, it was still a little damp and tacky. WTH ??  That should have been plenty of time.  It wasn't hot here today, maybe 80, but it was sunny and breezy and how does the laundry NOT dry in almost 8 hours???

  I did thoroughly clean the new (to us--a freebie on the road) bird cage with a soapy bleachy water and then hosed it off completely. After letting it dry in the sun for a few hours, I brought it in and started the relocation process for ol' Chico. He wasn't happy about it at first, but I convinced him it would be a good move and finally he was ensconced in his new condo.  It's a LOT bigger than his old cage.  He climbed up by the roof and hung out for the longest time, then finally started exploring. I put a lot of old familiar stuff in there and eventually he was climbing down to the food bowls. He is, however, sleeping on HIS old I had to put across a corner because it's too short for the new cage.

  I also managed to get the chick pen out of the spare room all by myself. It was an's about 6 ft long by 4 ft wide  by 3 ft high. I scooted it out into the hallway and then the rest of the way through the house and out into the yard. Then I brought my little flat-bed garden wagon and wrestled it up on there and pulled it around back. Tomorrow I will start cleaning that room, which is full of chick dust and dander and baby feathers.  It will be an all day job...

 One of my filters on the fish tank stopped working. I have about 3 or 4 other filter units in the fish storage I pulled them out and started trying to find one that worked. 2 wound up in the recycle and one is back in storage and the small one that worked best is now on the aquarium.  It's small, but I have another filter unit on there's a 30 gallon aquarium.  That was another hour or more....

  While I had the hose out for the bird cage,  I pulled all the chicken waterers out and cleaned and refilled them too. I need to clean that coop again too, but it didn't happen today, and might not happen tomorrow.

  My big agenda for tomorrow includes cleaning up that guest room and finishing mowing the grass...and at some point I'll have to take down all that laundry too...

 Lord, it's after 1 o'clock!!!   I have got to get to bed....

Have a good night, y'all...



  1. Good Morning Annie! I hope you accomplish everything that you set out to do today.

  2. You are one of the busiest people I know! Not to mention a night owl who gets up with the chickens. I do hope you had a good night's sleep, you need to give yourself some time to relax and regenerate! :-)

  3. Me TOO with the damn fruit flies! UGH!

    I have a theory that the eggs are in the fruit, and at a certain time, they just hatch and then they are there. I have the same problem and it's so strange because they are nowhere to bee seen, but if even one banana gets too ripe, HELLO FFs!

    Good luck with that. They are driving me mad.

  4. I'm glad you just enjoyed your garden and skipped pictures for today. I love the pictures, but I love the thought of you out there enjoying the fruits of your labor even more.

  5. I hope you can rid of your fruit flies! I finally am rid of my moth infestation on the porch. Flying bugs can get so annoying. I don't know how some of these native people can stand flies crawling all over their face--you know, I'm sure you've seen pictures of them. I'd be in the looney bin--probably some kind of self-made one with screens. ;)

    Good luck with all your critter cleaning projects. And I hope you remember your camera today. :)

  6. Okay, that post left me exhausted! I hope today is a little less work, and that you indeed have awoken to a house with no fruit flies!
