Monday, June 11, 2012

Muddling through a Monday...

 For all you have and all you don't....

  It's been an interesting Monday to muddle through. First, the Irishman had to call in sick to work because he has been sick since before supper last night. A stomach bug.  Hurting and vomiting and laying around all day. Bless his heart...I brought him Ginger Ale and Pepto Bismol, offered him dandelion and violet leaves, and waited on him a lot.  He's been really tired all day and on the sofa, between icky bouts. I had a moment of nausea, but ate some dandelion leaves and it pretty much went away.

  Made a healthy version of sweet and sour chicken to take to my friends house since I couldn't bake a pot pie.  No--the oven hasn't healed itself yet.  But I fixed the dish, cooked some Jasmine rice and took it all over where we sat and laughed our fool heads off for about 3 hours. Then I headed home.

  I made a funky version of  garlic naan with some of the bread dough. and it turned out really good. I could have rolled it a lot thinner, that would have made it even better. As it was, it came out more like a flatbread.  I'd do it was that good.

  I am so tired. I probably didn't get 3 hours of sleep last night...and as soon as I finish this, I am headed for the bed.

  My son's truck is not running right, so he's going to take my car for the rest of the week to go to work. That means I'll be firmly ensconced at Honeysuckle Hill....maybe I can get something done. I may be sitting with my neighbors husband on Friday and then that night we have a graduation to go to and a pizza party afterwards that I organized for my friend.  She's graduated from a technical school and i am so proud of her!

  We finally got rain today...and got quite a bit. Thank goodness--it has been so dry. After the rain, the peas exploded into blooms!!  It was an amazing sight...

  Alright...I have to go to bed....I hurt everywhere.  lol

  Sweet dreams, muchachas !!


  1. you are the giving tree!
    (be sure to nurture yourself too :-)

    Aloha from Waikiki,
    Comfort Spiral
    > < } } ( ° >

  2. Hope the Irishman feels better soon -- the produce seems to be flourishing Annie. Good cooking --

  3. Honeysuckle Hill sounds like a perfect place to be stranded w/ no vehicle. Hope you all feel better soon!

  4. I hope YOU are not getting sick, too. These things are usually fast moving, but it's no fun when you are in the middle of it. Sending you big virtual hugs but managing to keep my distance! :-)

  5. I hope your husband is feeling better today.

    Our rain yesterday was recorded at a trace. I am glad you all got some.

  6. We've been getting lots of lightening and thunder but no rain. Funny eh?
    I hope your husband is better, and you too.

  7. I hope your arrested and the Irshan is on the mend.

  8. Sorry the Irishman is feeling sick. Hope you stay well and everything keeps growing and the darn oven heals itself. Sounds like the bread turned out well, though. Hope sleep came to you easier and you feel more rested and less sore. :):)

  9. Please send some rain our way. It is so dry up here and the rain that heads in our direction just dissipates before reaching us.
