Saturday, February 4, 2012

It's a chilly soupy kind of a day...

And I have to tell the truth.  I ordered some seeds today.
 From Baker Creek.
 I couldn't help it.


  I ordered quinoa seed and I ordered edamame. AND requested a catalog, just because it's such a work of art.

 And I read a blog called 2 Acre farm, and they live pretty near me. And he's planting spinach and snap peas. And I want to plant something too, dammit !!!!!!!  

  But maybe not today, because I'm recuperating and it's misty and chilly out there.


  But I do feel better today.  Barely coughing (still some) and more energy (more than last week) and a general feeling of I'm on the way back-ness.  Thank Goodness. I am so tired of not feeling good and being sick and being isolated here at the house.  Tired of feeling like a pariah. Like a wuss. Like a plague-carrier. LOL


   This noon I made a lovely (busy) miso soup for lunch. Had leftover foccacia and leftover marinara sauce, so I heated that up with a little asiago cheese on top and served it with soup for lunch.

  It started out like this:

   I used a quart of my homemade vegetable broth, added chopped onion and celery and carrot. Then I chopped some fresh ginger and garlic. I chopped broccoli.   I had baby spinach and a block of tofu in the fridge, so I diced the tofu and threw the spinach tofu and broccoli in at the last. I added a heaping tablespoon of miso and some ground black pepper.  It was awesome.  Hit all the right spots.

  It ended up looking like this:


  As you can see by the oven clock, we had a late lunch. The Irishman was systematically taking dogs out to the reservoir to run a while, and Miss Roxie to the park. Finally we sat down to eat.  I should tell you here that we had a major breakfast of oatmeal loaded down with apples and raisins and pecans ...the kind of breakfast that will almost last you til supper, if you're not careful.

  The only thing about any of that, is that now we will have a late supper. My plan was to make cabbage rolls tonight....I have some leftover rice in the fridge and a couple of pounds (still) of ground round in the freezer. I thought that I would use up some of the leftover marinara too as the sauce. I'll need to thin it down some, of course. Serve the rolls with a side of either salad (if there's enough left in the fridge) or maybe lightly sauteed green beans with garlic. Hmm...that really sounds good. If  need be, I can always make these for dinner tomorrow...Right now I still feel really full from lunch. lol  Makes it hard to plan.


  My son came yesterday and moved a lot of mulch. About 25 wheelbarrows full.  Put a thick layer of it along the rock wall, top and bottom.  Also along the side of the house where I planted irises. (BTW--the irises are coming up already. So are the surprise lilies. A little early.)  Then he started hauling it out back, putting it down in the walkways between the garden beds. Hopefully that will help keep the weeds down this next growing season. He made a good dent in the pile of mulch, but there's still a LOT of it there. 

  So, you can imagine my delight to read that Nathan got some of the same stuff and is putting it on his garden beds!!  I told the Irishman I thought we could, but he said no,no,no.  Now, I am vindicated.  LOL  So, just in case, I am going to put it on 3 of the 8 beds we have so far.  I'm thinking we may put in a  couple of more beds this year, as I'd love to plant beans (pintos, black-eyed peas maybe). And I'm looking forward to erasing more of the yard. MuBahahahaha...


   Well, enough chattering for a Saturday afternoon.  It's almost dark now and I need to go clean up my little kitchen mess.  The Irishman is watching a movie called The Exorcism of Emily Rose.  (yuck).  I am reading The Changing Seasons Macrobiotic Cookbook by Aveline Kushi and Wendy Esko. And daydreaming of gardens and rabbits and edamame eating deer. 

     And trying to decide if we'll be hungry enough for all the work that goes into cabbage rolls.

Living an especially blessed life, out here on Honeysuckle Hill.



  1. Let me know how you like that cookbook. Macrobiotics fascinates me. I am craving cabbage rolls now! LOL! Glad your starting to mend Annie:)

  2. My goodness, the soup in the pot, the chilly soupy kind of day soup, I would love a bowl. I need to feel better too.

    Happy as can be you are on the mend.

    It has been over 25 years since I planted a vegetable garden. It was so fun. Sigh. I still get a big kick out of following blog gardeners.

    Thanks for sharing.

  3. I can smell the soup up here in central Illinois. It smells really good.

    I will pass on the cabbage rolls as I don't like cooked cabbage. I love coleslaw though.
    I am glad you are feeling better.

  4. Bless You, Sis!

    Warm Aloha from Hawaii
    Comfort Spiral

    > < } } ( ° >


  5. I'm so glad to hear you're feeling better Annie. With the food you guys eat, it would seem you would never be sick--it is all so healthy.

  6. So good you're feeling better, that soup should put you right. And I'm longing to read all about your planting those seeds, I love edumame.

  7. That soup does look good. One way to get rid of left overs too.

  8. Yes, you DO have an enchanted life there. I had to laugh when I read edamame eating deer. I pictured those little edamames opening wide... :-)

  9. Regarding putting a seed order in: are you s gobsmacked as I am when Louisey writes that her garden herbs have bolted? I get the geography/science of it but it still amazes me how we can be frozen and she is at the opposite end of it.
