Thursday, February 2, 2012

Happy Groundhogs Day, Happy Feast of St Brigid, Happy Imbolec...


  Happy Birthday to my dad...he would have been 87 years old today. (For some reason all of the photos of him that I have in my files seem to be missing or not showing up right...this is fuzzy...)

  The Irishman has a birthday too, on the 8th. Both Aquarius'.  I will plan a birthday/Valentine's Day celebration for him.


  Feeling better in some ways, not so much in others. It was a beautiful 60 degrees here today, so I opened up the house and blew out the cooties again. (Supposed to have a mild front coming in, bringing us some rain) I also did laundry and hung my bed linens all outside on the line. They smell so comforter too, although I had to finish it off in the dryer, because by dark, it was still a tiny bit damp.  I did a little housekeeping and cooked some supper and that was about it. But tonight I'm coughing more than I was yesterday...I actually went to bed last night with no cough medicine and was fine, after a bit of initial mild coughing. Tonight, I have been coughing since supper. yuck.


  Nothing much new around son is coming in the morning to do some outside work for me..he needs the money and I need the work done. I'm going to have him do some pruning (lilac, rose of sharons, and roses) and he's going to start moving that giant pile of mulch for me too. I'm going to have him mulch all across the top of the rock wall, and down at the base of it too, where the irises all grow.  Also along the west side of the house where I planted irises. I  want to use that mulch in the aisles of the garden will make a nice walking path.   It'll be good for him to do some hard physical labor and work off some steam, and good for me to NOT do it. lol  Win/Win.


  Just wanted to stop in and say hello. I can't stand to read any more of the political crap--it's driving me crazy. I need to go to bed and get some sleep and it's already after 1 AM...but on the bright side, all the laundry is done (I just folded the last load) and the floors are vacuumed and the bed I'm getting ready to climb into has clean clean sheets.  Supper dishes are done too...

  Going to try to get out and go to a movie tomorrow night...hopefully One For The Money...hope you all have a great Friday....



  1. You certainly do sound a lot better (not the cough) with all you accomplished in one day. I hope you do get a chance to go to the movies and enjoy yourself. You deserve it!

  2. Your energy is back! I still can't believe how much you get done even when you are sick. Enjoy the movie!

  3. You sound stronger. I am glad. You will love One For the Money!
