Tuesday, October 4, 2011

A loaf of bread, a bowl of apples and thee...

This is what I've been doing lately...making the recipe for healthy bread in 5 minutes a day, from Hertzberger and someone. lol Zoe someone. Ahhh..of course, it ISN'T 5 minutes a day, but it sure is easier than traditional and extremely good.  I think the 5 minutes refers to the original mixing up time, since it's no-knead.  

This is the loaf after rising on the cornmeal coated glazed stone. I put some wheat germ in the dough this time.  I also added rosemary and garlic to this loaf. 

  You mix the dough, let it set at room temperature from 2-20 hours and either hack off a chunk and bake a loaf, or put all of it into the fridge in a covered (but not airtight) container. It's better the longer it's in the fridge, and the shelf life of the dough itself is about 2 weeks. It's a little sourdoughy. It is REALLY good.

And here is the (ahem!) finished loaf.  The boyo was here and had to have a slice while it was still hot, with butter, of course. lol  But it's a beautiful rustic loaf, all crispy and chewy and cracked. And it tastes like heaven.

  Woke up to a cold morning...and it's about 42 now. I've been up for almost 3 hours already, and I promise, I didn't mean to be up this early. Apparently the Irishman had a bad morning and so will we all.  lol At any rate I was up, so I came out, cleaned up the mess he left and got my coffee. I need to make some, as I just reheated the last of yesterdays coffee. But now I'm thinking maybe I need a nice hot cup of tea....

  I pulled a muscle in my back yesterday and it hurts like hell. I was just hanging a shower curtain...arms up over my head for too long and twisted, I guess.  It's better this morning because I put a pain patch on last night before bed. I'm not debilitated, just annoyed. For a while last night, it hurt to breathe, as it's that long muscle in the back.

 I was given the opportunity to share my experience strength and hope last night at a meeting/potluck. It  is always good for me to remember where I came from and be grateful that I am where I am. Afterwards a guy smelling like booze came up to me and said he didn't think anybody ever was like him, but everything I said hiot home with him. He said he is in and out and in and out and just can't quite stay here....when I got out to my car, I cried. For him and for me.

 That, my friends, is HOW it works.

 I am going to make an Indian cabbage soup today I think. I have the cabbage and all the Indian spices for it. It sounds good on paper, so we shall see. I also need to clean out my fridge, as the mysteries there continue to evolve.

  There are a ton of little things to do today and I need to accomplish at least some of them. I can feel myself settling into the seasonal hibernation, which (for someone like me) means I will do different things at a different pace and still not accomplish all I hope to. lol

  And that will be alright. 

  I love the calm of autumn that follows the frenetic summer. I love hunkering down and settling in and all the coziness of the cool weather. 

Until about February, and then I am sick to death of it.  LOL

 The dogs are already starting to not want to stay out in the mornings. It's still warm in the afternoons, it was 80 yesterday.  It's supposed to be 82 today.  They do stay out once it's around 11AM though. So I guess it's all good.  They're all in this room with me right now. Roxie just kicked Jinga the cat out of her bed. Bella is sleeping with the tip of her muzzle on the top of my foot. Molly is lying in the patch of sun coming through the curtains...and Caylee the snow dog, is still outside. That little dog LOVES cool weather and especially cold cold snow. Can't hardly make her come in.

  Guess I've wasted enough time in here. Soups on!!!!!!  (Or will be in a bit).

  Have a grand Tuesday, y'all.....



  1. Can you post the recipe for the bread please? It looks great and I love your idea of adding rosemary and garlic. I am inspired! Thank you. :o)

  2. I too would like the recipe for the bread. It sounds delicious.

    I am enjoying our Indian Summer. Yesterday afternoon I went outdoors and just stood in the sunshine for a few minutes, dreading the thought of the ice and snow to come.

  3. Annette-- I got hooked on herbed breads when I lived in Northern California for years,in a college town with a great bakery.

    It is nice, isn't it Beth? I've been out back messing in my garden. I've got green beans, peas and squash all flowering!!

    I'm working on getting that recipe on my blog--Dragon Woman's Kitchen. It will be there soon!! Thanks!!

  4. I, too, want the bread recipe. I specialize in breads and muffins. I would love it.

    I wish I could help you with your back. That's what I do. It would be great if we were neighbors!

  5. Bread looks so good. Soup sounds so good. It is always time for tea.

    Thank you, for sharing.

  6. you are my apostle of Autumn!!!

    Warm Aloha from Waikiki;

    Comfort Spiral

    / )

    > < } } ( ° >

  7. Besides the yummy bread recipe, I would love for you to also post the Indian Cabbage Soup recipe on your other blog. Please! ;)

    Isn't it amazing how we can do damage to ourselves without hardly noticing it! Doing something you could have done fifty million times 20-30-40 years ago without a thought--LOL!

    The meeting sounds like it went really well. I think remembering where you used to be multiplies the gratitude for where you are today. I am so happy for you that it brought tears to my eyes just reading about you crying in your car. *hugs* You've come a long way, baby, as they say. Life is so precious.

    I had a blue heeler once that refused to even use a doghouse when it was 30 below or a blizzard. Liked to curl up right on top of the snow!! Ahh! Snow dogs. :)

    Have a fantastic Wednesday! :):)

  8. Me too Annie. I would love to have the recipe because I am doing my usual tip toe in thing about baking bread. I decide to do it and then I have to psych myself up for it. I also got hooked on rustic breads in northern California.

    I love the interaction between you and the guy who is in and out and in and out. I relate.

    Blogger is frustrating me. I know, what's new. But, your blog and some others aren't showing on my updates. What I have to do now is go through my list of blogs I like to check and see if they've posted anything new. I suppose I should try Google Reader, but don't really want to.

  9. Alrighty then...the recipe for the bread is up. On Dragon Woman's Kitchen.

    The next post will be the soups...I'm trying out a new one today...a carrot and coconut milk vegan soup. It sounds and looks really good....but I love creamy carrot soups. The coconut milk should give it an interesting twist...

    Thanks everyone for your comments...Kristen, man--me too. It's hurting a lot today agin. I went to the doc too (so unlike me, but I couldn't take a full breath...)

    WM--I agree...it IS always time for tea. My friends say I have the largest selection of teas they've ever seen outside a store! lol

    Oh, Cloudia....lol. That'
    s beautiful--apostle of autumn...

    Rita--sounds like we live each others lives..in a doppelganger sort of way! lol

    Rubye Jack- This bread is so easy, you'll never buy bread again. GO SEE THE OTHER BLOG. lol
    I had problems with blogger all the time, and DJAN suggested that I was using IE (I was) and that if I opened it in Firefox it would solve the problems. (It did.) I use Firefox for almost everything anyway....give it try...
