Sunday, October 9, 2011

Cornbread, butterbeans, and you across the table...

Just lyrics to one of my favorite songs by the Carolina Chocolate drops. This trio is AWESOME. If you've never heard of them, check 'em out :   They have recently added a fourth member it looks like.  We saw them at the St Louis Art Museum last year and have 2 of their cds.

  Just having a lazy Sunday morning at home, alone. I made some chicken and dumplings and baked a couple of biscuits and had some biscuits and gravy for breakfast. Artery hardening, fattening, lovely comfort food. Ahhhh.....chicken and dumplings for supper.  Perfect.

  To let you know about the balance in my life though (snicker)  I did have a lovely vegan lentil soup yesterday for 2 meals, with homemade flax seed bread.  Just sayin'....

  The weather has been absolutely gorgeous and we're putting much of the garden to bed for the winter.  I ate 3 edible pea pods today, and saw a few green beans. I still have the odd tomato ripening here and there and quite a few green ones on the vines as well. The turnips are flourishing and the kale as well. Autumn. A nice time to garden (for some things).

  The boyo came by a few days ago and cleaned out the gutters for me.  The roofing endeavor has been put on hold.  We have a lot of things that need doing and spending several thousand dollars on a roof is maybe not the highest priority right now. Boyo went up and looked and said there were a few places that needed shoring up and some flashing that needs replaced.  Himself agreed that it could probably do for now with patching it. They have to get up there and tear off some shingles and see.

  I pulled the big muscle, lattisimus dorsi, I think it's called, in my back last Tuesday, I think I said. On Thursday morning I twisted again, moving the water bath canner to the sink and nearly screamed in agony. Pulled it even worse and could barely breathe. I stopped in at our little clinic, and the good doc gave me a shot of Torodol for the pain and a scrip for anti-inflammatories and a muscle relaxer. It was really painful and today it is better. Been sleeping a lot and taking it easy. I only take the muscle relaxer at night, as it knocks me out. lol I'm such a wuss....

  It was a lovely weekend, all in all. The Irishman and I went to see Real Steel, the new Hugh Jackman movie. It was really good.  I did some laundry (in 2 days) and hung it on the line to dry and just took it down today.  Carefully. Doing things very carefully. lol

  I might go have a short nap before leaving for MissB's house today.  I'm really tired a lot, and have started taking my B complex again.  I don't know if part of it might be the residual effects of the muscle relaxer?  The doc wrote m,e an order for an MRI of the darn knee, and says I should go to a pain management place. I may have to...he also asked if I'd had a flu shot yet, and I replied "Not since 1978..." He looked at me skeptically and said we can do it here. I said No thanks, and he muttered "Chicken" at me as he walked out the door.  I'll have to remember NOT to go see him if I get the flu again this year.  lmao

  Hope everyone has a grand and peaceful Sunday. Our St. Louis Cardinals have shown their stuff and are playing again tonight. Might just be on their way to the world a wild card opportunity or something and have been doing great.



  1. The lentil soup and flax seed bread, homemade at that, look so good. Chicken and dumplings is my very most favorite dish, but I try to stay away from them.
    Sorry to hear about your back. Those muscle relaxers knock me out also. I wonder if those pain management clinics really do any good. I haven't heard of anyone they've really helped, but it's worth giving it a try.

  2. I went to look at the ccdrops on youtube and they sound pretty good!

    Sorry that your back is giving you grief! I would have passed on the flu shot, too. I only got one once--made me sick and I still got the flu. As you know, I am home almost 24/7 so I am not exposed to as many germs as I used to be, either. ;)

    That lentil soup and bread look just delicious!! Be sure and keep being very careful, lady! I'm glad your gutters got cleaned out and hope the roof can be patched this year. Just you take it easy! My knee has been touchy ever since I pulled a muscle or something, too, but yours must still be giving you trouble if they're mentioning a pain clinic. Sending some healing energy your way!! :):)

  3. My goodness I am starving now for cornbread and butter beans, and chicken and dumplings.

    My hubby does not like chicken and dumplings, but I am sure now, I will cook up a small pot soon.

    Thank you for sharing.

  4. Lentil soup is ambrosia for me -- thought about you this weekend when it was so hot out here and I was working out who was vegetarian and who was vegan and who doesn't like cucumber and who might be gluten-intolerant and not want the homemade paninis.

    I hope your back heals soon. xx

  5. Thanks everyone for your back is much better. Still sore, but I am trying to be reasonably careful as I go through my days,. lol

    RJ--I, too, try toi stay away from things like C&D..but man, is it good every now and then. That soup is VERY easy to make, I'll post the recipe soon. And I don't know about the pain clinics either, BUT--they do the hyaluronic acid injections. The verdict is out on whether that works or not. SO far, about half the people I knopw that have had it say it works and half say it doesn't. It's an artificial synovial fluid....

    Rita-They are an amazing group, those CCDs...the venue we saw them in wasn't the best for acoustics, but they were great. (I had the same reaction as you w/ flu shot. And I do not get them). I think the knee may be beyond help. If this injection thing doesn't work, I'll have to get a new knee.

    WM--My hubby isn't that crazy about them either. lol But once in a while, I make them anyway. And butterbeans are my absolute favorite...cooked with a big old smoked ham shank, onions and bay leaves...mmmmm Always so good to hear from you.

    Mary. I know what you mean--it's getting harder and harder to cook for people, isn't it? I've gotten to the point where I just paraphrase my mother--It is what it is, eat it or don't. lol

  6. I don't know how you make your writing seep right into me like that. I always feel like I'm sitting next to you with a cuppa something. I do hope that your back gets better quickly. Mine took about a week to get back to normal, but it does usually get better...

  7. Yoga is good for body pains... but it's definitely not for everyone.

    I hope you are feeling better...

    The food? Forgetaboutit! I would eat anything you made and love it! I just know.

    Have a good week.
