Friday, June 24, 2011

Thoughts on a Friday

  Corn is supposed to be "knee high by the 4th of July".  But, knee high to WHO ?  I have short little hobbit legs, and it's almost up to my thigh. So, I guess we're okay.  It's looking good, and I need to get out there and thin the beets that are growing down the center of the row.

  Right now I have laundry going, because it's sunny as all get out and I can hang things out on the line to dry.  Only 69, but supposed to hit 80.  Good enough.  The whites are in now, and I can smell the bleach from here. Then I poured the last of the gallon into the 2 toilets.  Can you spell ...multi-tasking??  lol

  I have a 1 o'clock appointment to get my hair cut.  Decided to call about 10 minutes ago, when I looked in the mirror. (THAT was a mistake, lol)  Luckily my girl Samantha was available...late enough for me to get my laundry all washed and hung out to dry (I hope). And still early enough to get some other stuff done too. (Maybe)

  The Irishman left this morning about 7:45. I think he had hoped to get going earlier, but it wasn't in the cards. For one thing, the dogs didn't wake him at 5 like they usually do, and he didn't set his alarm.
He will return home sometime Monday evening...his weekend will include time with his dad, a family reunion, and a re-christening of baby Lily.  A REAL christening (according to the Catholic great-grandparents).  I find it all terribly amusing...the mother and grandmother are both lapsed Catholics, as is almost all of the family. Except for the great grandparents, of course. When they come here to visit, my Irishman always goes with them to mass. I suppose he finds some kind of ritualistic comfort in it all. I guess that's what the deal is...never having graced the inside of a Catholic church, I don't really know.

  So....I am staying home and laundering and gardening and not entertaining after all.  Plans changed sometime last night. lol. Imagine...

  I will go get my coin tonight for 21 years I guess...I really don't care about going,but...some people are expecting me and that's good enough. 

I found tons of flowers on the peas this morning. And a few peas that will be ready to pick by tomorrow. The patch is full of weeds, but at this point trying to weed would dislodge most of the vines. So...I'll leave it alone and eat what I can.

  The chicken coop needs cleaning and the cockatiel cage needs cleaning and food and water changing too. The floors...well, YOU know.  You can find the babydog by following the clumps of fur she's shedding nonstop.  I'm changing the bedlinens and washing some couch covers and by the time this day is over, I will be ensconced in my clean little cottage watching The Tourist, the newest Netflix selection, starring my beloved Johnny Depp and Angelina whats-her-face. With a big bowl of popcorn, buttered and salty, just the way I like it.

  SO, off I go. Down the road to bliss, savoring the stinky smells of the chickenshit alongside the wonderful smell of newly mowed grass and wildflowers.  And isn't that just life? Some of this, and some of that, and in the end...a lovely contented life, full of love and abundance, even when there's not so much money.

  And that's okay.



  1. An evening with Johnny Depp and you even got your hair done--ahhh! ;)

  2. "Down the road to bliss, and a little chicken shit along the way, life's a hoot!

    Great sharing and photos!

    Happy weekend!

  3. Thanks Rita and WM...even got me old eyebrows waxed.

    All the laundry is on the line, Went by the Goodwill and found a cotton dress and 7 summer shirts!! WOOHOO!!!!

    Heading back to town for an hour to pick up my sobriety coin tonight with about 35 of my closest friends. lol

  4. lovely

    namaste & Aloha from Waikiki

    Comfort Spiral


    > < } } ( ° >

    < ° ) } } > <

  5. Congratulations on turning 21! That is a real milestone, Annie. Those are some pretty darn tiring tasks you got done. Like the haircut?

  6. Annie,

    I'm so happy you found my blog. You remind me a whole lot of a good friend, who is also my next door neighbor.

    This is a lovely post and your corn looks happy and healthy!

    Congratulations on 21 years. Wow!

    Have a great weekend.
