Saturday, June 25, 2011


News flash:  It's getting ready to rain again !!!  The skies are dark and the thunder is rolling.

  And because of all this rain, we have gorgeous weeds like this growing everywhere. I don't know what it is, at first I thought it was a type of yarrow, which we have everywhere too...but it isn't. Here's the deal--I don't have to know what it is. I can just enjoy the way it looks, and that's good enough for today. But...I digress...

  THE RAIN !!!!!!

 Good lord.  I have to remember that in a month or so, I'll be praying for rain. lol  On my little stroll through the garden this morning though...I am seeing some of the effects of too much water. Even in my raised beds.  Yellowing leaves...not enough fruiting...hope this passes soon. If it doesn't, we'll be eating sauerkraut and beets all winter. lol  And dried tomatoes. And lots of beans and rice.  sigh....

  I am locked in the office, eating (away from misbehaving cats) a yummy gooey egg and cheese and onion sandwich on healthnut bread.  I have too many eggs, so I think I will make another quiche here in a minute or two. One thing about this weather...I don't mind running the oven a bit. One thing about eggs--you can find a hundred ways to use them.

  I have been bad lately about not eating breakfast. That needs to stop.  I always feel better when I have breakfast. NO matter what it is..oatmeal with raisins and pecans or walnuts...eggs any old way, or even just whole grain bread or bagel with some added finery--like fresh sliced tomato and basil and mozzarella, or peanut butter and jalapeno jelly.  yum...

  I probably should be vacuuming, but who cares?  Maybe tonight after I get home...or even tomorrow morning.

  The dogs keep barking their heads off at a guy on a tractor who seems to be cruising back and forth past my house on an old Ford tractor. That's my luck...I get an Amish, of course. He's hauling those huge round bales of hay 'twixt and 'tween somewheres.  You'd think they'd figure out they saw him before...'s 10 o'clock and if I'm agonna git some stuff done, I better git on it.  I have a load of the Irishman's workclothes in the dryer ready to be folded. It was the last load to go on the clothesline yesterday, and when I brought everything in last night, they were still a little damp, so they went into the dryer for a bit. Order is slowly being restored to my household..(who am I kidding?)  and got a call last night that his trip went smoothly and they had already gone out to rib shack for supper. Good to hear.

  It's suppoosed to get up to 82 today...we'll see. Only about 70 right now. Time to shut down this 'puter and get busy.

 Be Blessed.


  1. When I was a kid in science class I absolutely refused to learn the names of the plants. I told my teacher I wanted to see the beauty of nature whole through loving eyes and not segmented with man's labels. He let me clean his rodent cages instead. I also cleaned rodent cages when I adamantly refused to pith and dissect a live frog!!! [Man! Did I ever get away with things! Good student, a little off kilter, and passionate, I guess.] I have learned a few names of things over my lifetime regardless--LOL! I don't care what the name of that weed is, either--but it is most lovely!! :)

    We're expecting more rain and storms for the next three days, too. Enough already! Send some of this where the people are praying for rain.

    Rain or not--hope you have a great weekend! :)

  2. Well now, we've had afternoon rain for three days, and I am way past thankful! Such wonder you have in your woodlands.

    Love my visits! Love "Scatterday".

    Happy weekend!

  3. If there is a little dark center in the cluster of flowers, it is Queen Anne's Lace- a cousin to carrots. Swallowtail butterflies LOVE it and will lay their eggs on it. Be on the lookout for little green/yellow/black/white striped caterpillars. They are beautiful.
    Hope you survived the rain. We didn't get storms here, it just seems to have settled in for a long day of showers. sigh...

  4. It looks like we have a few days of sunshine on the way. We haven't seen 80 since last October, so that is beginning to sound almost too hot to me.

    But rain? We are quite familiar with it here in the Pacific Northwest, especially this past spring. But it's summer now, and we can hope for a change!

    Eating breakfast is an important thing to do, so I'm glad you decided to make it a habit! :-)

  5. Oh, honey. 'Amish stalker' and 'twixt and tween' just made my day. And I needed a day made. So, thank you :)

  6. I hope your day was wonderful and it stayed a bit cooler there. It was warmish here on Saturday and today cloudy and warm, but breezy which helps. My dog bark at any noise they can...and eggs, don't get me started...yum! xo to you!
