Thursday, May 5, 2011

Thundering through Thursday...

  As you can see, the giant hostas are making their debut. I went to a plant sale today, put on by the Women of Pappy's market, and when I asked the questions, I got the answers. Those old girls are brilliant when it comes to plants. One of them showed me her tile spade and said it was the best thing for dividing hostas. Said I should get one. New they are about 35 dollars, she says, but I got this one at a yard sale for 3.  I offered her 10 and she roared. And refused. lol  I was asking her about timing for dividing the hostas, as I'm thinking I'd like to move some around to my front porch.

   I bought a few plants...I like to support local people any chance I get, and all their stuff is grown right here. I got 2 big pots of feverfew (and by big, I mean 1 gallon size)- to replace all my feverfew that got destroyed putting in the water lines, 2 pots of Azure fairies (don't have any idea what those are, but loved the name), a pot of red castor beans and a pot of ginger. She said it likes shade. I said really??--that grows here?? They said, "Sure does!" SO I bought it. All the pots were 3 dollars each except the castor beans, which was 2.50.  I also picked up some containers of bell peppers--3 green and 3 gypsy, which are red , yellow, and green.   Just for good measure I picked up one tiny tray of zucchinis.  The butternut squash seeds I planted in peat pots are starting to come up too.  We'll be getting some major work done tomorrow in the garden, as there is supposed to be no rain, and the Irishman and I are both home all day. We're getting a few truckloads of leaf compost from our neighbor tomorrow too.  It's finally starting to feel like spring....

  The boyo called today to chat, and said that for Mother's Day he'd like to come over and cook breakfast for me at my house. I said that sounded wonderful to me. So that's our big plan for that, food and lots of love. What else is there?  I am blessed.

  Tonight I cooked a feast for my husband...bbq'd country pork ribs in homemade sauce, coleslaw and corn on the cob. I made his all time favorite, Key Lime Pie for dessert with freshly whipped cream to top it off.  He loved it and immediately fell into a food coma.  lol  We watched some tv and talked and then he was falling asleep on the couch after his long week of work.  He's gone to bed now and I'm getting ready to join him.  It's been a long day here on the Prairie, with a few minor thunderstorms and rain showers and all the odds and ends that make up a life.  I did a bit of shopping, a bit of cooking, a bit of planning and a bit of sitting out front in the rocking chair...watching the gold finches  and listening to the Barred Owls hooting back and forth. All in all, a very good day.

  Okee dokee. I am off to bed and planning to dream the dreams of a dreamer.  This old woman is plum tuckered out...



  1. Akannie, thank you for visiting The Pond. You're a gardener! A hint for dividing Hosta's. Dig up the entire plant, put it in a pail with water and after a few hours you can tease the roots apart and voila! you'll have dozens ready to be planted. O and spread the roots out when you transplant. They'll thank you with spendid growth. Have fun!

  2. What a fun plant sale. It sounds great. The weather is supposed to be fine here as well today. Time to get outside and get moving.
    Have a glorious day.

  3. Going to plant sales and coming back with goodies sounds like fun to me! And your Sunday breakfast also sounds like a wonderful way to start your own special day.
