Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Catching up Tuesday...

 This is a coral bell. I love these guys, they are hardy perrenials that even these brutal Illinois winters cannot keep down. Years ago I had one in an old pot at the base of a tree, and I never did anything to it, yet it persevered. My kind of plant.

  Had a hectic day yesterday, as I got involved in a family crisis. It was a day of run run run and I'm not sorry I did it, I just hope it can work out. My brothers family.  He moved out of state a few years ago, and a call from him in the early morning sent me running. It's what family does.

Today I am heading into town to buy a few groceries...some organic milk and some odds and ends, and I am getting my haircut too at 11. I've got a load of laundry going and will try to get another one done between shopping and haircuts and cooking my beloved a nice dinner. He's been  "feasting" (as he calls it) on leftovers for several days. He loves chicken fajitas and beans and rice...so that is what I will fix him.  Halfway healthy, and cooked with great love.

The weather does NOT feel like May. It is chilly and sunny at least....we will be planting the garden soon, in increments. The potatoes are ready to go, the lettuce and stuff can go in if we cover it a bit to warm the soil. That's the main problem right now...the soil is too cold still for germination.Things are looking good out there. My husband has shovelling more manure in and turning over beds...leaf compost will be the final dressing.  He's worked a little fter work each night, and on the weekend. When it's not raining...which it has been doing a lot.

I'm glad to see my Louisey back online...I miss you woman, when you go away.  I am blessed to watch the goins on at Miz Moon's...her fabulous family and friends and all the love dripping off her blog. Judy is crazy busy this time of year...my gardening mentor. And my all time hero, DJan...climbing every mountain and fording every creek that Washington state has to offer, not to mention jumping out of airplanes (my all time secret wish)...I wanna be like her, but I can't, so I live vicariously through her blog. and Sarcastic bastard. I love you. You make me laugh and think and something about your absolutely uncensored mouth tickles the holy hell out of me.  I roll around here laughing and thinking "Oh no she didn't !!!"  You make my days....

  I may actually get some stuff done today, if I get myself away from here.

  Here I goooooooooooooo........



  1. Typing this on my new iPad from the coffee shop, laughing at your description of getting ready to gooooo! The good thing about this keyboard is that it is big enough, but I must be careful not to rest my fingers on the "keyboard" or I end up with a bunch of nonsense words. Thanks for the kind words, Annie!

  2. Love back to you Annie -- post a pic of the coral bells in flower if you can, they are lovely.
