Saturday, October 2, 2010

Simply Saturday...

Chilly and rainy here this morning...about 54 degrees right now and looking at a high today of about 64, maybe.  Soup weather, I'm thinking.

  I could make some chicken and rice soup..seeing as how yesterday I got a great buy on 25 lbs. of Thai Jasmine rice. This morning I put it into gallon jars and got it in the pantry. I really like this rice (when we eat white rice, which is about half as much or less than we eat brown).  But the price of it has been much as $3/lb most of the time.

 Yesterday we spent cleaning out the mudroom, moving shelving around...brought a shelf unit into the kitchen to store  canned goods from the garden so they'll be easier to get at as I hurriedly make dinners. lol...

 Looks nice, no ?

  The Jack Russell came home this morning after her morning romp with blood all over her. The Irishman woke me up yelling,...there's  blood everywhere!!  I ran out and sure enough, she was dripping all over my carpets and floors...from 2 tiny head wounds (which always bleed bad.  Got her cleaned up and scolded...suspect she caught a squirrel and as she was giving it the shake and play treatment, it caught the side her ear. Sigh...never a dull moment...

 OK. Got a piece of stupid hate mail from Wells Fargo about the insurance coverage on our car that they financed. Nothing has changed, but they seem to be in a dither. Guess I'd better get on their website and take care of it. They have all the'd think they'd just contact the insurance company themselves. Idiots.

  This kind of weather makes me want to just curl up and go back to sleep.  Better get in the shower and start looking at some food. I am hungry. Fed the Irishman but didn't eat myself.

  TTFN....happy days....



  1. The shelves look great. I like the doily! lol.

    I just factory ordered a brand new 2011 car and it will be financed. I have never done this before and was reluctant to go into debt. But did it anyhow. I've always wanted a brand new car that has never been used by someone else.

  2. Love the shelves! Quite fetching. And that lace topper- fabulous! What a great idea moving some of the storage up into the kitchen. I'm fortunate enough to have a pantry off the kitchen where I move things up from the basement.
    I like your idea of storing the rice in gallon jars. I've got mine stored in old plastic ice cream tubs. Your idea is much more classy!
