Monday, October 4, 2010

A new week...

  Woke to a chilly morning and a young dog barking it's miniscule brains my bedroom door.  Like an idiot, I offered to take care of my brother's little dog while they go to Florida for my niece's wedding. It's a not quite one year old male  cockapoo...adorable, but finding it necessary to mark everything in this new territory. And humping everything that holds still.  Arrgghhh....I know it will get better and he will settle down...if he lives long enough.  lol

  I have made good use of the time this morning, once I could focus my eyes.  There's a big pot of vegetable beef (with some pork loin stewmeat thrown in) soup simmering away on the stove.  There's a loaf of hearty whole wheat bread in the bread machine. The kitchen is cleaned up and the animals are all fed...I gathered eggs and am going out to clean the coop when it warms up a little more.

  The frost they threatened for last night did not materialize.  I have a few more bell peppers I need to get out of the garden, because it won't be long before it does frost, I think. There's quite a few tomatoes too...the okra is gone, the green beans are gone, the potatoes are all harvested and the sweet potatoes should be getting close to harvest. 

  Need to get in there and get some granola bars made for the Irishman's lunches. He took the last one today. Next weekend he and Jerry are going on a hiking/backpacking trip somewhere in southern central Missouri. I will have the house to myself...while I'm here. The next 2 weekends I am doing 3 -13 hour nights in a row, as well as my regular schedule the remaining 3 days of the week. It's going to be tricky, juggling the critters overnight. But I'll figure it out. I may see about taking the visiting dog with me to work. The nice thing is that I will get off on Thursday and not go back in until Saturday night at 6 PM.  

  Okay...granola bars. Plain old bars with walnuts and blueberries, I think.  Easy and economical to make at home, and NOT loaded with sugar and other goo, like the store bought ones. And really easy to throw together. Here I go...

  Have a blessed day...





  1. Your life sounds so much like mine, just busy but filled with love and joy and doing the work that somehow fills our hours and our lives...
    Love to you Annie
    Big Squishy Hugs

  2. Wow! You are really putting in the hours working.

    Take good care my friend.

  3. I added myself to follow your blog. You are more than welcome to visit mine and become a follower if you want to.

    God Bless You ~Ron
