Thursday, July 15, 2010

Hot enough to fry an egg...

  Got 2 dehydrators going...just took the strawberries out of one because they were done. It's still full of cherries and blueberries.  The other one (in the picture) I just got yesterday at a ridiculous price at a local discount store.  The grocer had a great price on blueberries and so I bought  7 pints...May go back for more.  ( Strawberries too, probably, as they really dry well. They're gorgeous (see picture) and they taste wonderful.)The first batch I didn't follow instructions (IMAGINE THAT!!)  and so they are taking longer to dry. The second batch (majority) have all been dipped in boiling water to crack the waxy skins and I made a wonderful mess everywhere..including the front of my pajamas  (Yes--I often cook in my pj's...) Blueberry juice everywhere.  I loaded the second one with more strawberries and pineapple as well.     The next batch of dehydration is going to include some peaches off our trees. They are starting to ripen. Then I'm going to play with tomatoes and peppers too, and maybe even some lemons and oranges if I can find any that are less than the price of gold...

 The weather is stifling hot here,. with heat index yesterday up to 105.  This morning when I got up all the windows were fogged up, I opened the front door and it was like a blast furnace. At 9 AM, it was already a heat index of 97 degrees. The animals are pretty much staying in and napping to conserve energy.  lol  I was out a while yesterday, and it was rough. When I got home with groceries and 80 pounds of chicken feed, I had to do everything in 20 minute max increments. I got the chicken feed out of the trunk and into a wheelbarrow, and left it there at the back of the car so the Irishman could handle it when he got home or it got cooler. (It never did.) The central air ran nonstop all day, until almost 10 PM. And it's only set at 75.  Looks like it's gonna be like this awhile too.  I need to get out in the garden, but don't know if I can handle it...There are green beans need picking for sure and probably okra. One thing's for sure...the okra will be LOVING this weather.

  I made a  batch of granola bars last night, and cocky little thing that I am, didn't bother to measure the honey and molasses. Needless to say, they are sticky and overly sweet. Oops. Arrgghhh....some things have to be attended to in a proper manner, and measuring the correct amounts of sweeteners to make a candy hardness is one of them. I made them with dried mangoes and blueberries and papayas this time. They are way too sweet for my taste. Plus, I like them crispier. Live and learn...I had a hard time finding decent honey , as I've used all ours now. I did discover a little place called the Woodburn Country Store, just a little bit from us, out here in the well, country. lol  They are mostly wholesalers, she said, but they sell a few things, like dried fruits and Amish jams and honeys and molasses. So I bought a quart of honey from her and molasses too.  She said their honey comes from Iowa.  There is a guy in town who supposedly sells honey, but I haven't found him at home yet. I'll keep trying, as I prefer local honey for a lot of reasons.

Okay...lots to do today, and if I get off this computer after a bit of reading, I might get it done. Maybe.



  1. MMM granola!

    My husband still feels keenly that his dehydrator was ousted in the move from 1200 sq ft to 450 sq ft of living space a couple years ago. I feel somewhat bad, but not that bad since he hadn't used it in the 2.5 years that I had been with him and in 450 sq ft there was no where to store or use it.

    Now that we've upsized a little bit it would be nice to have one, but it'll have to be found at goodwill or garage sale or something :)

  2. It's hot here in Ohio, too. Ugh.

    The granola sounds wonderful, and I am not even hungry. That's why I'm a fat ass.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. Please drop by often.



  3. Once again you have my taste buds jumping all over the place. You "almost" make me want to go get a dehydrator and stick all kinds of food in it. :)

    Love you,

  4. Shoot, it was up to the low 80's today and that's too hot for me. I would melt in the heat you are experiencing. Of course running around in a Mack truck that has inadequate AC doesn't do my attitude any good either.

    You are such an Earth Mama. Love to you.

  5. I love this post and OMG those dried fruits look amazing!!!!! YUM!

    Our weather has been similiar and yes it is all in increments, I move slowly like a sloth actually and drink LOTS of water.

    Cannot wait to read more of your lovely kitchen work...yum!

    I have my air on 77 and it runs pretty well non-stop right now until the night when i push it to 80 so it's just the fans..

    Love ya
