Monday, July 19, 2010

Beginning again...

The week, that is. It's been busy busy garden time around these parts, and naturally, I'm trying to juggle too many things. rest for the wicked.

 This picture is not from this year. I haven't been out there with my camera in a bit. But you get the idea, lol. I have about 15 pounds of green beans in the fridge ready to can. They are producing like crazy. The peppers are coming into their own...beautiful and shiny, red and green and ivory and yellow. The okra is teasing me with a good sized pod here and there, but is flowering profusely. And the tomatoes are all starting to ripen...cherries and romas and several varieties of large beefy beauties. I've dried some cucumbers yesterday. They dried beautifully, and the idea is that in the dead of winter they can be crumbled into salads for a taste of summer. We'll see.  I'm going to dry some tomatoes in the next few days too, and hopefully I'll get enough onions to dry some of those too. The price of onions (well, everything, almost) has gone through the roof in the markets. Where I was buying a 3 lb bag for anywhere from 49-99 cents at Aldi's, they are now 2-3 dollars. It's crazy. I'm using them like they were  

  We spent a time on Friday weeding and clearing the garden. Sunday morning we had a monsoon rain that lasted about 2 hours, drenching everything. A nice drink, although it was very windy and knocked out the power a couple of times and blew down a lot of small to medium sized branches. I got the call to go sit with my little lady, as she is terrified of storms due to having been banged about in a tornado that lifted their house off the ground when she was a child. Of course, by the time I got there it was over and she had forgotten about it all. I have noticed she often speaks of herself in the third person, as if she were watching her long life (80 years) as though it were a play. She has 5 cats and a little male dog named Princess. lol  I took her a small tomato and cucumber and zucchini from my garden, and she was tickled to death. She told me some great stories...

  I have an appointment this morning at 9, and it's 7:45 now. Guess I'd better haul my sweet self into the shower.  Maybe I will come back later and edit and add some more, and maybe I won't. Depends on how busy the day gets.  I strained my back a little out in the garden yesterday and this morning I am stiff as a board.  I put some icy hot on it, and have used a heating bag while sitting here... hopefully a nice hot shower will loosen the rest of the kinks,

  Have a bountiful and blessed day....



  1. Your garden sounds lovely. I'm glad you got some rain.
    I hope your back feels better soon!

  2. Blessings. Looks like your garden is blessing you in a big way.

