Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Tuesday Trifles...

 An interesting few days of weather around here. Sunday turned into a storming flood...we barely got back form the little Founders Day celebration we attended. The winds were hellacious and the rain was so thick and hard you could not see the end of the car hood. The roads were flooded and the creeks swollen...but we made it back, even though the 23 mile trip took us about 45 minutes.   It stormed for about 3 hours and watered everything nicely, but I was almost afraid to go out and check on my garden, worried that the tomatoes had taken a beating. They were fine. I think because I planted so many of them so close together they protected one another a bit.

  I love summer...

       I am taking a home day today. I had intentions of doing the same yesterday, but life reared up and it didn't happen. lol  The weather has done a 180...from broiling hot to beautifully pleasant... temps in the mid 80's and almost no humidity. I have turned off the A/C and flung open all the windows. I'm going to vacuum and straighten up a little, and cook a marvelous supper of grilled teriyaki chicken and roasted vegetables. I have some leftover jasmine rice that I'll gussy up a little with some fresh herbs from the garden and a little red and green peppers and we'll eat outside on the deck tonight, I think.  Although I just remembered that someone loaned us a copy of Avatar...maybe we'll eat in after all....time constraints being what they are. The Irishman doesn't get home until about 6:15 and tries to be in bed by 9:30...we'll see....high class problems I've got, as my old pal Art used to say.

I have a new best friend, the sole surviving kitten of the litter that I am bottle feeding and loving into his life, lol. He is with me all the time he's not asleep and climbs up to sit on the couch beside me every time I sit down. He curls up on my chest and plays with my chin with his tiny paws. 

  Okay--my son just pulled in the driveway...here to fish a bit I suspect. I'll go hug him and chat him up a bit before he heads down to the pond. Friday is his 39th birthday....yikes. Gonna try to talk them into coming for supper and birthday cake...we'll see....

  Have a blooming week!!



  1. I am loving my garden and flowers right now, too.

  2. Summer finally arrived here in the Pacific Northwest, too, although it's still cool it's sunny again! Yayy! I love your garden and I'm glad it survived just fine.

  3. Sounds so good Annie -- and I am honestly not sure I could deal with all those crowds and the noise -- but some time I do want to experience the powewr of AA en masse, just once.

    Love to you sweet pea.

  4. Hello, Annie. It sounds like you have a rich and beautiful day ahead of you. Aren't we blessed to have such quality problems in our lives? And joy to you with the tiny kitten. I adopted two of those hand-nursed lovelies from my aunt, who rescued them. That was last summer. They have brought many smiles to me ever since.

  5. I am having a blooming week and weekend and I hope that your weekend is going swell also...
    Love and light
