Saturday, June 26, 2010

Saturday song

Blazing hot here today. I've been outside off and on...sweeping decks and burning papers and feeding chickens. But mostly I am inside. The heat index is horrific, like 105. I have done some housecleaning and pulled the stove out and cleaned it and behind and under of those ugly jobs, since I rarely do it more than once a year. I am taking a break and cooling down after sweeping the front porch, and when I am done, I will take a shower.

  Did I say a COLD shower? Well, I meant to. The Irishman took the hot water plumbing apart yesterday to run hot water to the sink in the apartment and still has not finished it. Ran into problems (don't you always?) and had to leave it to go to my birthday celebration last night. This morning he was up and off to his usual Saturday regime and here we sit with still no hot water. At least there is running cold will not get fixed tonight. We have to be somewhere at 5:30 and it's half an hour or more away. so by the time he gets back here and showers (in COLD water, complaining the whole time) it will be time to leave.

  I took some more garden pictures, just to compare. (lol)  I know you're all dying to see more (snicker) so here we go.  And (((Mary)))  I would love to exchange seeds with you. What do you have in mind???

  Cabbages mid May.

Cabbages late June

Peppers, mid May

Peppers, late June

Butternut Squash, mid May

Butternut squash, late June

  Okay, enough. You get the picture.   I'm off to the



  1. What better way to cool off than a cold shower? (smile) Isn't it funny how when it's hot it's still painful to take a cold shower? Maybe it's because of the wide difference between being so hot and being so cold. And happy birthday, it sounds like! Cool! (in more ways than one)

  2. If a cold shower is all that's available, thank goodness it's on a day the heat index is 105. Just step outside a few minutes before taking a shower. Should end up perfect. :)

    Our heat index was 107 today. Thank goodness it rained. It's a little better out.

    God bless.

  3. Lovely garden. If you have to take a cold shower, it might as well be when it's 105. That's God! Happy Birthday!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. It was really good to hear from you.

  4. Here in the Yukon, i lay outside sweating, soaking in as much as i can. My cabbages? 1 inch tall.
    Still i am happy too:)
