Monday, March 1, 2010

Helllllllllllllllllllooo, March!

I just love this graphic...from interfaith resources. It has the version of the Golden Rule of 6 different faiths:

Baha'i--..choose thou for thy neighbor that which thou choosest for thyself.
Buddhism- Make thine own self the measure of the others, and so abstain from casing hurt to them.
Christianity- And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye to them likewise.
Hinduism- Do not to others what ye do not wish done to yourself; and wish for others too what ye desire and long for, for yourself.
Islam-None of you truly believes until he wishes for his brother what he wishes for himself.
Judaism- Love thy neighbor as thyself.


   The day was grey and blustery, but in the high 30's low 40's.  It was one of those days when you  think it's warm enough for a light to medium weight jacket and then when you get about 10 miles from home, wish you'd worn your real coat. I got some beautiful pineapples today at Aldi's for 99 cents apiece. I got carrots too, and apples and grapefruits and lemons.  I won't use them all at once in juice (WAY too much citrus!!)  but I can mix it up.There were a couple of items on my list that I didn't get (romaine, garlic, ginger)   and a couple of things that I bought that weren't on the list.(gorgonzola cheese and spinach)..  For supper tonight I made a lovely salad with spinach and the last of the romaine, pistachios, gorgonzola, carrot, English cucumber cabbage and onion.  Then I topped it with a freshly made mustard vinaigrette. Yum.  Along with some pork chops in mushroom sauce and mashed garlic potatoes, we ate like kings.

  I went to the market today after going to my sisters...forgetting that it was the 1st. The place was a zoo. Oh well.  I survived (barely)  lol.   Then I came running home and rested a little and got dinner going. Picked up 2 sponslings and went to a mtg tonight...a good one, where we talked about turning our will and our lives over to the care of God.  Had to rush thru dinner, but that's okay.  Tomorrow I will stay home all day, and work on the office walls a little more.  Wednesday I have to head south to another sponslings house for some step work.  And then Sunday is our Area Assembly, where I am to fill in for the DCM as he can't make it. Being the Alt-DCM, it's my job. He has to work shift work every so often and when that happens, he passes me the baton, lol. It's good practice in the event that I am NUTS enough to stand for the chair position next election (November).  I will be chairing the next GSR meeting as well, as he is unavailable that weekend too. The Area meeting is in a city about an hour north of us, so it will be a nice little trip for us. I do service at this level because it keeps me connected to AA. I enjoy it....I know a lot of people don't. 

  I sure will be glad when the weather gets a little nicer and warmer.   Winter is about to get on my last nerve.

  Not much to say tonight, so I shall sally forth to bed.  Sweet dreams and peaceful journeys to all....



  1. As a new GSR, my fourth monthly meeting was this past Sunday...and ya know what? I ALSO enjoy it, Annie.

    For years I was told, "Don't get into that 'upper-level' (Ha!) aren't the type."

    The person who kept telling me that was...ME!

    Next time I'm sitting through a four-hour discussion which is leading nowhere, I'll think of you--I mean think of you as a DCM!

  2. You know the saying about March coming in like a lion and out like a lamb? What if it's nice?

    You do make me tired with all your activity! Running from place to place, which makes me think you must be feeling a lot better!

  3. Yesterday here was 35 degrees F and my hubby could wait no longer for a bike ride. He rode his bike for a half hour. I would not ride mine. Just too cold for me. Hubby says he is going for a long ride on the bike trails today because the trails are finally clear of snow. I say have fun.
    I like the graphic too. All the major religions advocate treating other people as we want to be treated.

  4. Great post, you sound busy...hope you got a lot done today and had time for some peace and rest!

    hugs to you

  5. From your comment yesterday, yup, there is news. I have sleep apnea and am trying out a cpap machine. Taking some getting used to, but starting to feel more alive.
