Sunday, February 28, 2010

Moving out of February...

Today was a gorgeous tribute to the end of a short but brutal month. The temps hovered around 50 degrees and the sun shone brightly, bidding good-bye to the month of February. All that said, there was just enough wind to make it chilly if you stood in one place too long, reminding us all that spring is not yet here.

We drove about 35 miles today to visit a Unity church in Collinsville. It was a very small congregation and a small and beautifully simple place. Also just happened to be the Sunday monthly birthdays potluck, so we got lunch. lol  The folks we met were very welcoming and it was a lovely service all about God's love for us and our love for each other. There was a reading by Emmet  Fox and a nice meditation time as well. We attended Unity in North Carolina and always liked the upbeat tone of the services.  Anyway, it was about a 45 minute drive for us, which is a little far.  I think next week I will go check out my neighbors church, which is about 15 minutes max down the road. They attend a United Church of Christ, and I've never been to a service in that denomination.  There was a nice poem on the back of the program for today's service by James Dillet Freeman:

The Church That I Love Best

The church that I love best is small,

It is no grand pretentious hall'

 Set round with works of holy art--

It is the chamber of my heart.

Where else but in this secret place

May I catch glimpses of Truth's face,

And even catch, however dim,

A sense of being one with Him?

 I have no church until I find

Holiness in my own mind;

Once found, wherever I may be

Becomes the house of God for me.

^*^  ^*^  ^*^  ^*^  ^*^  ^*^  ^*^  

Tomorrow I have to go down and help my sister who has broken her wrist and her ankle. Poor thing...she is beside herself and her husband is like a lump and completely unable (or unwilling, according to her) to help her at all.  So, I'll put on my big sister hat and go down and help her in and out of the bathtub and wash her hair and get her straightened away.  I have a feeling part of the problem is that she's taking pain pills and she has a hard time with that.  It scares her and because she has had petit mal seizures in the past, it feels like that to her. So...I'll see what I can sort out and what I cannot.

I have to get to work on clearing out the spare room too (it's full of Xmas decos that I haven't been able to get back to the storage because of the weather. A week from Tuesday, my inlaws will be here, so that room has to be cleaned and ready for them,. They'll only stay one night, but I need to get it cleaned up anyway. And then I'm going to start in on this office. I've started taking things off the walls, so I'll finish that and clean it and get it ready to paint. I'm painting it something bright and cheery, like buttercup yellow, I think.

I'm going to sleep early so I can get a head start on the day tomorrow.  Lots to do, one thing at a time.  Someone to meet at a noon meeting, go to my sisters, pick someone else up who's come back in after a scouting expedition and take her to an evening meeting.  I'm grateful to know it is NOT any better out there.  Think I'll just stay put.  lol

I'm feeling a lot of gratitude tonight...for my husband, who took such good care of me when I was in that industrial accident 9 years ago, and again when I have had my surgery this time.  Over and again, I am shown how much I am loved and cherished by that man...and that is a real gift.  I forget that every woman doesn't get that.   I am grateful for people who trust that they can talk to me when they're having a hard time or are scared or sad. That is a true blessing indeed.   I am especially grateful for my own family, and my friends...all of whom, are there for me any time I need help. All I have to do is pick up a phone. Sometimes not even that--they anticipate my needs and they shower me with love.  Sometimes my world is so saturated with LOVE that I forget that there are lonely people in the world, people who don't have any family, or anyone's dirty socks to pick up from the floor, or breakfasts to cook. And I am most grateful for the gift of a world where there are so many without it, and so many who live hopeless lives of desperation, because they can't find any other way to go.  My prayers today are that every one of us get what we need and maybe even some of what we want, if it is for our highest good.  And that we can make a difference in someone's life, no matter how small. 

  I'll end tonight with a part of the quote from Emmet Fox....

..."It makes no difference how deeply seated may be the trouble; How hopeless the outlook; How muddled the tangle; How great the mistake.

A sufficient realization of Love will dissolve it all...If only you could love enough you would be the happiest and most powerful being in the world..."



  1. Yes, you are very blessed, and to have a life mate who cares for you and who loves you is very wonderful and not a given. You write so well about your life. I can picture you there at the computer, looking around and thinking about all you did today. Thanks for bringing me into your life with your blog.

  2. You do have a great life. And thank you for sharing it with us.

    Love always.


  3. "If only you could love enough..." Isn't that the truth. I suspect the reason you have so much love in your life is that you give so much.

    I love visiting churches. And buttercup yellow seems like a bright and cheery color for a room. I once had a yellow kitchen. I felt happy just walking into it in the morning.

  4. Cheerful yellow in the office. Yeah.
    In-laws coming. Two weeks no one knows what the weather could be then.
    It was up to 35 degrees so far today. A heat wave! I had some leftover mashed potatoes from yesterday so while hubby is at his therapy appt I put the mashed potatoes and some shredded cheese and read onion chopped fine and made potato patties and they are cooking now. I have some salmon ready to put in the oven and some peas ready to heat. Your ideas help me like to cook more and give me ideas too.

  5. I love this our day was dreary and sleety but still it's March...woo hoo!

    I attended Unity chuch for years in my childhood and tried the one here in Charleston, but it was way too political and they don't have an Unity ordained minister so it's guest speakers which is okay, but I like the Unitarian Universalist congregation I belong to now...regular ministers, regular services and service work abounding.

    Hugs and love to you Sweet Annie!

  6. Namaste, Ronda. Good to see you.

    Djan--you are an incredible woman...I read your blog and think--WOW! I love the way you keep doing such fun stuff and writing about it.

    Andrew--hello, sweetheart. Any news? I was thinking of you just this morning before I read this...hope you are feeling better. You're in my prayers...

    Kathy--that's it, then. Yellow it is. lol I feel the same way...and I love visiting churches too.

    Oh, -Babe!! I LOVE potato patties made like that. That dinner sounds do you do the salmon ??

    Gabriella, I have attended the Unitarian church here as well...I loved the people, but it left me feeling a little empty. Maybe I should go back and try it again.
    Are we ready to make the Graceland plan??? xoxoxox

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