Saturday, August 15, 2009

Small town Saturday...

A picture of Dr. Bob's Kitchen in Akron, Ohio.

It's been a day of housecleaning, grandson coming to spend a couple of nights before school starts on Tuesday, and one of the local "homecomings" ...a small fair in a small town. They always have a fish fry, they always have carnival rides, and they always have a beer tent. Usually a local church will do the fish fry and food stands. They use this opportunity as a fundraiser for their church activities. There are usually hometown bands playing music over bad PA systems, drunken dancing, and bingo. They always have a parade, and the parade always has tractors and firetrucks in it. Some horses, a few floats, and the ever present politicians.

Today we took the little Prince to the fair in Prairietown (I kid you not). We had bad fish, he had a hotdog and fries and they were good. The fish was just not up to par this year. We had lemonades and we rode a couple of rides with him and we played a couple of the arcade games on the promenade. He won a picture of a kitten and a blow up ukelele, lol. You'd have thought he won the lottery. These things get chintztier every year.... Prairietown is a little farm town with a population of maybe 250-300. maybe. Scattered out around about 4 miles. The banner across the main street read: Prairietown World's Fair. lol

The we came home and made popcorn and watched the first Harry Potter movie. Got about 2/3 through it before both he and Pat were asleep. So, I turned it off and put everyone to bed. We'll finish it tomorrow....

Tomorrow will be a busy day, we have our usual meeting at 10, and the District Meeting at 2 and then off up the River Road to a friends house in Elsah for a bbq. I'm going to skip the morning meeting and stay home and get food ready to take to the bbq. Hubby will come home after the meeting and get us and we'll all go to the District Meeting and then pick up a woman and head up the road. I'm really feeling exhausted....and I need a break. Can't wait til I love my grandson, but I have had a sponsee here for about 6 days (until Thursday evening), and then Tristan here. I really need some downtime...and then I think...winter will be here soon enough. And I'll be dying for things to do. So I will get through the next day or two with a smile, because I am blessed that he still (at 12 going on 13) wants to come stay with his old won't be long before he'll be too busy for old folks.

I am especially blessed to be sober today. This is one thing I know for sure.



  1. What wonderful memories were being created and stored away in the events you describe here.

    BTW - Steve and I sat at that very table in Dr. Bob's Kitchen in Akron when we went there some years ago. The coffee pot was right where it is pictured.

