Friday, August 14, 2009

Friday, fulfilled...

These are the clematis flowers that grow near my front door. I have lots of flowers around my place and I'm really grateful for the beauty and peace they bring to my life.

I'm blessed to be out in the country, away from the air and noise pollution of city life.

I'm grateful that I can walk out my back door and pick enough food for dinner.

How cool is it that there are over 30 hummingbirds around my front porch at any given time this time of year?

I'm ever so grateful that they told me to write a gratitude list every day when I was new.

I'm ever so grateful I listened to them.

I'm glad there's a queen sized bed with a pillow topped mattress waiting for me at the end of the hall...and all I have to do is turn off this computer and walk there.

Right now.

Good Night.



  1. I wish I lived there. Your gratitude list is always inspirational.

  2. I am grateful for so many things. Even when things seem a little on the negative side, I am always grateful for waking up. Had I kept drinking, I would never be opening my eyes again. Of that I am certain.

    Love your flowers and I bet 30 hummingbirds is quite a sight.


  3. Anni, there are people envious of your living situations, ya know? All the pleasures and joys of estate living, in an oasis with a lake and lots of green, surrounded by miles of cornfields.

    It is positively beautiful, and you help God a lot out there with flowers, veggies, and, most important, with peeps.


  4. I love gratitude lists and it's fun to see that you love your bed too. I am always grateful that I have my bed to cuddle up in.
