Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Whining Wednesdays

This is a print by C. Don Ensor called Mothers Mandolin... I picked up a pair of his prints at a sale one time...

It's been a long good day. I stayed close to home til about 7:30 PM when I hightailed it out to a meeting. Really glad I went. Several newcomers and a good topic. Even if I was late, lol.

I tried to call the doctor all day today. No luck. Turns out that whole section of town had a massive power phones, no computers, no electricity. (Lack of power was our dilemma...) I called the specialist that I was supposedly being referred to, and they said they have not been called by the office. I got so angry I threw my phone across the room. I don't often have fits of rage like that these days...but I lost it. It was a week ago that I was in that office and she sent me for the xrays. It doesn't help that I'm hurting so much. I think tomorrow I will call another doctor on my own and see what happens. The receptionist at the specialists office said I can't make my own appointment with them-the doctor has to call. Unbelievable.

I did a tiny of bit of housekeeping, a tiny bit of garden work, and watched a movie and took a nap. I need to be in bed now, because I have to take Pat to work so I can go get the young Prince tomorrow morning. He's staying through Friday...we haven't seen him for a couple of weeks.

I've had more anger than usual these past couple of days. There are extenuating circumstances, but I always have to keep my fingers on the pulse of my emotions. Anger takes me places I don't want to go. I sat in the garden for awhile this afternoon after my little conniption fit. It helped calm me down and gave me pause to look at the positive side of things in my life. Birds singing, flowers blooming, garden growing like crazy.I'd like to get this knee fixed before canning time is here. Once that starts I will be on my feet for hours at a's hard enough on my broken body without the added mess of a swollen knee. Sigh...

..."and acceptance is the answer to all my problems today. When I am disturbed, it is because I find some person, place, thing or situation-some fact of my life-unacceptable to me, and I can find no serenity until I accept that person, place, thing, or situation as being exactly the way it is supposed to be at this moment. Nothing, absolutely nothing, happens in Gods world by mistake. .." (Alcoholics Anonymous, pg 417)

And once again, I take a deep breath and step back. Tomorrow is another day and today I didn't have to take a matter what. Odds are good that I won't have to tomorrow either, if I can remember a few simple ideas and trust my Creator to take me through the day.


1 comment:

  1. Acceptance of limitation is difficult, I'm glad you wrote about this today, it helps.

    I pray that you are given blessings and peace today, that you are given relief from your pain spiritually, physically and mentally. I pray that butterflies inhabit your garden and that you see a weaving of a beautiful tapestry of nature today as you contemplate the joy in life.
