Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Tuesday the 7th

[When baby Lucy came to stay...]

Had a great class tonight...many of the same faces and one new one. Feeling glad that I managed to get the reading done (at the last minute) and make it there.

It was a harried day...had to go to the laundromat, get some pet supplies,make juice... blah, blah, blah. I was overly tired, and cranky [still] and annoyed at having no water. It just makes things more difficult than they have to be. Especially cleaning up the juicer after juicing 6 quarts of juice. I used peaches, sour cherries, cucumbers, carrots, celery and 2 kinds of apples. Oh, and some watermelon and cantaloupe. It tastes very good...

I realized today that I am spending more time in meditation when I feel like this than when I don't. Or maybe it's just a different kind of meditation... at any rate, things like injuries and pain slow us down and make us take time to go more slowly and contemplate our actions a bit more than when all's well and we're scurrying through life.

I'm grateful tonight that I have a program that leads me into actions and behaviors that are more in line with a life of quiet contemplation than I have ever known. I'm grateful that the hamster wheel in my head is out of commission. lol

Blessings are all around me, when I take the time to look. In the faces of friends and family...even the friends I have yet to meet. In the laughter of small children. In the shades of green in my garden. I am especially blessed to be a sober woman, on this planet, at this time.
When I think of all the years I ran around like a maniac, never seeing the world around me, always looking for the next "thing", always waiting for tomorrow and never being in amazes me that I didn't turn out to be a lost of the grey people that walk around the land looking for something they'll never recognize...a contentment with things being exactly the way they are supposed to be.

Time for bed. And a good nights sleep, with no troubling conscience, no worries, and no unfinished business.



  1. Once I was, "a lost of the grey people that walk around the land looking for something they'll never recognize", but no more.

    I've found contentment and serenity. Thank you God.

    Prayer Girl

  2. It's particularly healing to me today to hear a post of contentment.

  3. with no troubling conscience, no worries, and no unfinished business.

    And I keep looking for MORE?????????

  4. County water has to be real close, no? Just in time I would say.

    I was just commenting elsewhere that I have never known any serious loss of freedoms or necessities.

    You also teach me
