Monday, July 13, 2009

Magnetic Monday

Had the MRI first thing this morning...quite an invention, that. Was tickled at all the questions they ask...about body piercings, tattoos, metal plates in your They asked if I had had brain surgery. Over they phone they asked if I weighed over 350 pounds. I said "Not yet."

Stopped by sisters house for a quick chat and came on home. I fielded some phone calls, and then decided I needed to get the lawn mowed since it is supposed to rain tomorrow. I took it slow and easy and actually managed to get almost the whole thing mowed. I picked some blackberries, picked some apples, picked some more cucumbers and picked 3 peaches. Then I took a good rub-a-scrub and called it a day. I pulled some bbq pork out of the freezer and thawed it for supper. Then I put my leg up and took it easy the rest of the night.

We watched the Clint Eastwood film "Gran Torino" tonight. Excellent film. That old codger has still got it...

These crazy kittens have been in hyperdrive all day. It doesn't seem to be letting up, either. They're presently running with joy around the living room. I had to move the cockatiel into the guest room, as they won't leave him alone. The stray dog is STILL in the front yard. I wish he would remember where he lives and go back there....

It was a nice relaxing evening and I am winding down for bed. (((Andrew))) Have a good trip to the to you and your family as you remember Uncle Bill.

I'm falling asleep in my chair...Nighty night...


  1. My husband's MRI came back, he'll be having knee surgery. I hope I serve him well as he goes through the process.

    Grand Torino was great wasn't it?

    So love your posts! I love hearing about your garden especially! Thank you!

  2. I would have had to respond, "Nope, no brain surgery, but there sure was a time when I wished for it."

    Thank God I found AA, the 12 steps, and God. They have repaired my damaged brain.


  3. I agree on Gran Torino. That poor dog was probably dumped and has no idea where he is. He's probably in your yard because he feels the love from your home. Maybe NOT.

  4. i WONDER WHY THEY ASK ABOUT wouldn't think there's any metal that might show up or anything...

  5. Thanks Dear One. Uncle Bill is in good hands. I wonder about the rest of us

    A new to you dog? Good luck!

  6. First time here. Love Joni Mitchell and Patsy Cline. Grew up on them both.
