Friday, July 17, 2009

Fried day...

Oh Lordy, lordy...we have had us some rain in the past 24 hours!!

Torrential bucketloads, thunder and lightning like only the midwest can do. Had to pull off the road on the way home last night, wipers on high couldn't clear the windshield. Had to unplug the computer 2 days in a row. Wowsa...

The day before yesterday it rained over 4 inches in less than 5 hours. The roads were all flooded, it flattened my corn patch(see above picture!), my back deck was a roaring mess alright. Stayed overcast and pretty dry most of yesterday, and then the storms came back in late in the day. ENOUGH ALREADY!!!!!! My garden is drowning, raised beds and all. I have worked way too hard to watch it all go by the wayside, just because we are having ridiculous weather for July. lol The highs for the weekend are only supposed to be around 75. It's crazy I tell you...

Today I see the surgeon about the knee. It is feeling much better for some reason, ((PG)), and Aleve, I think. Still isn't right, but at least the pain is more bearable. I'm feeling especially blessed by THAT, believe you me!

A friend is coming by in about half an hour to help hubby with the deck. I am going to my son's for a shower before going to the doctor, as we are still; without running water. (A minor inconvenience, really).
But today, the sun is shining and tomorrow I go to my brothers for a bbq and to see my other brother and his family...a little family get together. It'll be good, as I have a ;large crazy family who couldn't love me more. And I love being loved. It just feels gooooood.

Welcome ((daddy))---so good to see you here. How's the vacation going?? :) I have a sneaking suspicion you just might be my brother from another mother.... I love those women too... and I adore Betty Carter. Hard to find her music sometimes all time fave--Spring Can Really Hang You Up The Most.... Have you heard the cd that Joni made doing all torch songs? Awesome.... My other fave is Johnny Hartmann--that man is pure liquid love...what a voice!!!

Alrighty...we have a new stray that I made posters for the 2 markets here in town. Hopefully someone has lost him and will be so grateful to get him home....he's a very sweet old dog, but we need one more dog here at Annie's Ark like we need 7 more holes in our heads...

In praise of sunshine and dry, blue skies....



  1. So nice to "meet" you!! Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and leaving such a kind comment! :) Love your site! :)

  2. You had me lol(ing) with this blog, and crying a little, and feeling gratitude.

    ...laughing at the idea of needing an extra dog in Annie's Ark like needing 7 new holes in the head....

    ...crying over your beautiful garden awash and deck collapsing :(

    ...gratitude and wonder that I think you credit me for praying for your knee that is hurting a little less. (Any credit of course goes right through me to God.)

    Oh how I wish I had placed my hands on your knee when I was there. But I, as you know, believe in the power of prayer - hands or no hands - Big Time!

    If by ((PG)) you didn't mean me, then please forgive my presumption. However, I will continue to pray. :)


  3. I assumed PG meant Prayer Girl too so I assume God is in the healing either way :)

    I'm sad for your garden, but the slate is cleaning for a new and more beautiful painting!

    And I'm still praying for easy and quick healing!

  4. Fred's there to stay, but it won't be long.

    Give my love to all the locals at the meeting.

  5. I wish we'd get some of that rain. Our area is in a very severe dry patch.
    And of course the knee is feeling beeter, just like the tooth before you get to the dentis. But don't back off. Geter dun. Hyuk,Hyuk.
