Sunday, June 28, 2009

Sunday Funday

Ahhhhhhhh.......another weekend over and done. Home late (like 11:30PM) from a particularly good birthday meeting where my sponsee with 6 months didn't show (fell asleep and didn't wake up until half an hour before the meeting was over) and my dear friend celebrated 10 years. There was cake and tears and lots and lots of love. My friend's sponsor died about a year ago of brain cancer, and one guy there tonight gave him the 10 year coin that his deceased sponsor had given HIM...another (one of his sponsees) gave him an AA ring that belonged to the deceased sponsor. It was a beautiful thing to behold...

Funny how I have about a gazillion pictures on my computer and I'm recycling them already. And somehow I KNOW I haven't posted a gazillion

I'm feeling very grateful tonight. One of my ex-sponsees who left me for another (lol) and then relapsed is back with 30 days (thru her church, but "somehting is missing") and sent a message to me tonight thru another woman that she loves me and misses me and wants to come see me. I am so glad to hear that she is back....I'll call her tomorrow. Looks like we're having a 4th of July BBQ for all the homeless and wayward alcoholics who have no where else to go and think that I operate a summer camp for them ...LMAO....And you know how much I hate a good party....Seriously, it will be a blast and I've already informed them that I'll provide the place and they all have to provide the food. They're all jumping up and down and hollering "YIPPEE!!!!!!!!!!"

I'm so grateful that when I was new, there were people around who took us newcomers by the hand and said ...Come on--here's how you have fun without drinking! We had spaghetti dinners and bbq's and bonfires at the beach and sock hops, for crying out loud. We had walks in the woods and weenie roasts. We learned to take other new people by the hand and say Hey! Here's how WE have fun without drinking!!

I can't tell you the warm and fuzzy feelings I get when I overhear a newcomer saying, "Wow, we went to Annie and Pat's for a cookout, and it was SOOOooooooo great!!!!!" When I look around the living room or the backyard and I watch people learning to talk to each other and smiling and not wanting to go home. It's such a be able to live like this and do these things and mean them and be happy about being able to do them.

God's got a deal for drunks that don't drink....



  1. Annie, it seems as if I'm writing comments on your blogs every time I log in. But I'm sure everyone knows how you are dreading this party. NOT!

    And how you hate being surrounded with sobriety of all ages. NOT!

    And how you will hve a errible time. NOT!

    And your knee wil be 'killing' you. NOT!

  2. Wow! Can I have the key to decipher the code? lol.

  3. I can't think of a better place to have a 4th of July BBQ. Have a wonderful time. I'll be there in spirit.


  4. Somethings wrong here. All I see is a whole bunch of red symbols like cars and stars and all sorts of stuff, like it is a code to be deciphered.

    What's it all mean Alfie?

  5. That's odd, Andrew...what did you have for lunch?? lol I see red words that make perfect, know. Not an undecipherable code though...weird....

    Not sure what to make of your dilemma...apparently Steve and Anna could both read it. Maybe I need to write in Canadian for you...


  6. Whew! I see words today. Ran a maintenance program and maybe that fixed whatever it was that showed the secret code.

    Have fun (I know you will) on the 4th.
