Monday, June 29, 2009

Monday on a dime...

Spent most of today doing housework, with a little outside work thrown in for good measure. I vacuumed and shampooed the living room carpet and rearranged the furniture. I think I like the way it looks...better, 'cause it nearly killed my husband moving that hideabed across the room! lol... I did laundry too, and cleaned the chicken coop and glued Frank and the Fairy back together again. (That would be my garden statues of St Francis of Asissi and the garden Fairy, both of whom were damaged in a storm last year. ) Frank lost his head, luckily all in one piece. The garden fairy lost an arm that was holding a scalloped dish up to her lips. A little super glue and all's well with the world.

I woke up thinking that I'd better get a few things done before my dr appointment on Wednesday, just in case they decide to fix this knee faster than I expect. The recovery time is a couple of weeks at least, and I needed to get the carpet cleaned. I started out with a nice long list and got everything done on it except a couple of items... tonight my leg is hurting like crazy.

It's been a long day....I have a sick puppy and a missing kitty and probably all will be well in the morning. I am tired and going to bed.

Thank goodness tomorrow is another day, and I get a second chance at making it count.

Blessings all around...if we just stay aware and in the present!



  1. Thank God for super glue - What would St. Francis and the garden Fairy do without it? One wouldn't know his head from a hole in the ground and the other would forever be slurping at thin air. :)

    I think my comment may have been written too early on a morning when I slept very little. Oh, well.


  2. Aha! Did you say, "Living in the present"

    The present...that's now! That's all I gotta do. And play with my kitty-cat!
    And a few other odds and ends!

  3. Good for you for having a productive day. Hope the knee is better today.

  4. Are you playing with my mind? The code is back on the previous post! lol.

    I don't get it? Why did this day not count?

    Whatever, just know that I Love You. And I hang on your every word.
