Friday, May 15, 2009

Thursday in mid May

**I put this in the draft box last night becasue I was so sleepy I couldn't finish it.**

It's been a great couple of days for me out here on the Prairie. Had some good one on one time with a sponsee and watched a tornado pass us by (tore up the town 12 miles NE of us though). Planted 2 kinds of squash seedlings in the garden. Went to a couple of wonderful meetings, including my beloved womens group. Had 3 new women in attendance. It was really a good night.

Planning a Saturday (the 23rd) of grilled hamburgers and game night with some folks in the program. Several new people, to show them that you can have fun sober. lol
I'm blessed to be sober and to have new people around me to remind me just how precious this program is.

I'm blessed that people took me by the hand when I was new and said, Come on-let's go ride the roller coaster and have some fun!
That they said, Come on, lets have a picnic!
That they said, Come on...just COME ON !!!!!!

And that I did. I got swept away in a flurry of fun activities that helped me learn how to be social, even in those trembling twitchy days of early sobriety. From greeting people at the door, to washing coffee cups at that big sink with another newcomer next to me drying, I have learned how to be a functioning member of society again. I have learned that you can have fun, no matter what.

Ah...blessings, plain and elegant.



  1. Plain and elegant, indeed!
    Just wanted to let you know that every time I read that little bit about the Hokey Pokey I smile.

  2. Hey Girl, picnic sounds like fun! We are having one too-a group thing before our regular meeting. I'm also glad someone was there to guide me, talk to me even when I wanted to be left alone. They KNEW what I needed and I am so grateful for those kind souls. I hope you have a great evening!
