Friday, May 15, 2009

Fridays are for lovers....

I love this picture. One of the first times I went out with my dearest husband, we saw a double rainbow over the ocean. I thought then that it was a

We had a very old married people kind of a day today. The kind where we worked in the yards and gardens side by side, talking and making some decisions about some things, thinking about the future... looking around at our little piece of heaven and being really grateful that the tornadoes yesterday passed us by. I love my life. I love my dinky little home with the beautiful trees and flowers that I have planted. I love watching my dogs escape the heat and humidity by splashing around in the pond. I love seeing the beautiful tiny eastern bluebirds that are here now, and trying to distinguish them from the indigo buntings, which are an even more brilliant shade of blue.

I am blessed by sitting on the porch of my house and reaching over on the table there for the Big Book that is always there. I am blessed by phone calls from women who trust me enough to tell me their problems and let me help them explore solutions. I am blessed by their very presence in my life.

I am grateful that my husband is long time sober and loves me and isn't afraid to show it or say it. I am grateful to be able to share this great life with him. I am grateful that we have the kind of marriage where we don't say ugly things to each other or hurt each other...that we have one rule in our house. That is: To Be Kind. In 17 years together (next month, on my AA anniversary) I can count on one hand the number of arguments and disagreements we have had.

I am grateful for our wonderful neighbors, and that we have had wonderful neighbors everywhere we have lived. I hope they know how much I love them...

I'm feeling a little sappy tonight. lol I'm afraid I am going to have to have surgery on my's hurting real bad lately. Tonight hubby was massaging my feet and legs (I did way too much mowing today...sigh) and when he touched my knee I cried out. He said -Hey, your knee feels really's inflamed. I had arthroscopic surgery on it about 10 years ago, and they said it would be good for about 10 years. argghhhhh....

On a brighter note, I have now lost 12 pounds. Thanks simply to juicing and eating more vegetables. Steveoroni...does that medifast really work? Do you buy the whole meals or just the shakes? I know that all this extra weight I'm packing around is not helping my joints one iota.

I'm grateful to be blogging and grateful to be sober and just darn grateful to be grateful.

Well, all my doggies and kitties are in, so I guess I can go to bed now. Hope everyone has a great weekend....



  1. Good days! I love to read blogs that are just about a good day, when you go about business and just feel the blessings and gratitude!

    Aw heck I love to read all kinds of blogs, but this one reminded me of good days in my life too!

  2. Medifast has worked for me in the past--and it is working now. Started om the 5th and have lost 14 pounds. Usually it stops at a plateau somewhere between 15 and 29 lost, for a couple days, then moves on. Not a BITE of food though.

    And I only use the shakes and chocolate, because I LOVE them (after the first three days!)...

    You asked, or I would not be discussing this in public, MsWeightLossPants -grin!

  3. Oh Dear wonderful know the more I read them more I love you...this post is like reading a page from a slice of my life...
    thank you for the reminders of how wonderful life is and how sweet it can be when we're sober.

    Love you,

  4. what a lovely post. Sounds like you have earned your peace.)

    have a beautiful weekend.

