Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Whackey Wednesday

[Mother's Mandolin. Dated and autographed print by the artist C.Don Ensor]

Not one person said "APRIL FOOL !!!!!!!!!" to me today. Isn't that odd? lol Although when I was in Walgreens the 3 or 4 women manning the cash registers all started picking up their phones and saying (over the intercom) Manager, Line 1. Rick, call extension 288. Manager, please come to the front of the store, Mr. Rick, extension 321, Manager to the Pharmacy please...and so on and so on , until a disheveled perplexed guy comes walking out from the office, shaking his head, and they're all laughing at him. It was pretty funny.

I got a lot of my errands done today and even picked hubby up from work on time. One of the gifts of sobriety is that I am almost always where I say will be when I say I will be there. I did neglect to make dinner though, so we stopped off at a local Chinese buffet and hubby ate like a man that had just worked for 10 hours and I had the vegetable chow mein.

We have been watching a BBC series called Ballykissangel that we fell in love with some years back. I bought the entire set on DVD for us for Christmas one year. It so wonderful and if you've never seen it, I highly recommend it. It's basically about an English priest sent to a parish in Ireland. It's a tiny little community and full of outrageous characters and antics. We're slowly getting used to not having actual's quite peaceful. But we do have a lot of videos and such to watch, if we want to. Already we're reading more and having more conversations and eating at the table by candlelight. Pretty cool beans, if you ask me.

I am going to have to start shopping for a new steam cleaner for my carpets. Cannot live without one in this household. The one I just blew up was about 5 years old, or maybe I guess I got my money's worth. It's time to clean the carpets again!

Feeling pretty grateful today for getting 5 gorgeous and huge Rhubarb plants and about 125 hens and chicks....all for about 20 bucks. It was a Craig's List ad and it was right up here in the town where hubby works. Guess I'll be giving away hens and chicks to anybody who'll take 'em...and plant a lot along the top edge of my rock wall and wherever else I can find a spot. Both plants I need to get out the books and find out what their optimal conditions are for growth. Sun or Shade? Sandy soil or regular? Fertilizer or not?

Did not get the grass seed broadcast like I'd hoped to...ran out of time. That's okay though. I just move it to tomorrow's list. lol Just got a call from a sponsling reminding me that we're meeting tomorrow...oops. Uh, sure, right...when? *grin I made the mistake of not writing it down. I always need to write this stuff down....there are too many sponslings in the pond for me to not be writing this stuff down...

Speaking of which...another blessing to be grateful for today. I got a call from the no show detox girl...on Friday she's "graduating" from IOP. She called to tell me and she was so tickled. She said they each have to make a little speech and she's gonna make sure to say "Get on out of here and go to meetings!!!!" lol She's still sober and she's doing a good job of calling and talking and going to meetings. And not drinking, one day at a time.

You know...this thing Works..and it works GOOD!

I have a life beyond my wildest dreams....


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