Saturday, April 4, 2009

Silly Saturday

[A Smile From God]

Been a busy few days here on the old homestead. Mundane things like planting rhubarb and planting flowers, cleaning house, inventorying new glasses came in and I had to go pick them up on Friday Took my vacuum down to the repair place last week. The prognosis may not be good. Trying not to

Today was my brother's 54th birthday, so about 15 of us got together at the Red Robin joint for lunch. We really had a great time. My son and DIL and youngest grandson came, my niece and her brother and his wife and family, SIL, sister and her husband. I found my brother a hat that said "My fishing addiction is not the PROBLEM, it's the cure!" And a T shirt that said "I got a fishing pole for my trade I ever made"...and a bunch of odds and ends of hooks and lures and fishing stuff. Life is good.

I planted about 75 hen and chicks today and hurt my back again. I am so sick of not being able to do anything without paying a price. I did a little housekeeping and a little cooking and a lot of playing with these demon kittens who like to run up and down my legs when I'm sitting in the computer chair or standing at the sink. I have to wear long pants all the time. My hands and legs are so scratched up it's funny.

I am so blessed today, beyond my wildest dreams. I remember someone saying when I was in early sobriety "If I had gotten everything I wanted when I first got sober, I would have been seriously shortchanged". That's sure the way it has been for me...above and beyond my greatest expectations.



  1. That last part of your bog is so true...I just like it being more and more revealed. More will be revealed with time..great post, but am sorry about your back...I have the back issue a lot and work with yoga, physical therapy...sometimes it works better than others. Love ya!

  2. Well I don't think that sounds mundane at all~I plan on getting out in the yard soon but all the sudden I have this PAIN in my right wrist that needs to just GO AWAY-I gots things to do!
